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The data consists of the arrays A, B, C, and D.0 h Jtd8hhBTTg0 7h Np@d!hxyt\;04 F4Jx' `,40dXp_h0ou,uoh0_Xp0d4|<S4Jyl ,44 N0 x 8h4B K0 0 yd8h0BlTg||<\x %+/ |0 70 u4Q0OtH,t4 F O^S |S4 2 apĻ0  ]td|</ +% x\HR0 L.,p4 F\ G ~@P2\B4GD ,pt8r /Cw ^|8hB T0 w +Gd8hB\HTi||0 W\ J0 s\ K0 U\ Gd8h\BL8Th||p 2 0,b,b,bp 2 0,c,c,c,4 JL Kj pS4 2L OtS0 L Kd8hLBdPT||HR0Z  n,(X!4 Fx 5 y ,(4Q\KT` 8r |ٰp 2 0bbbp 2 0ccc0 w d8hBTi||0 Wx 0 sx V0 Ux Zd|@PrxB4 |4QxVhT, ,4 J   p4 2 R00  Vd8h B x dT||HR0+4 $8,!!4#H#x##4 F  I y @Pv B4-V!t,%8""p"#||8hxB Thp 2!4 0 -;b -;b -;bp 2!4 0- ;c- ;c- ;c0 w!4 :Vd8h!4B!!Ti0 W  +Y0 s  Z00 U V4d8h B$$$Th||@P Z$$x,$$)0%p4 N$8 T} @ L :$8 Z`00/.-8r!4 >Rg ̴8 h$8B%% T | |H R045&)|, &D&x(((-4 F% 5 ܑ@!Pv%B4&,!&'''(,8!r&x  쁀p# 2&x 0 b b bp# 2&x 0 c c c0# w&x d8#h&xB(x(dTi#|#|0# W% 0# s% 0.0# U% 42d#|8#$8 Zy g%|@%P%!.))8%,%)*0*|*4% N)| ) L& :)|  00/.-8&)| !.Ґz 쁌8(h)|B+* T(|(|@(P0N tg,+TJ(Sampling Time (s) defines whether the model represents a continuous-time system or a discrete-time system. If the model represents a continuous-time system, Sampling Time (s) must equal zero. If the model represents a discrete-time system, Sampling Time (s) must be greater than zero and equal to the sampling rate, in seconds, of the discrete system. The default is 0.,(--P2. -.|.4( F+ N ]P 8)2+ apc lL+ :+ ap0u0/.-8+h%B)h)Thp+ :+ htbhtbhtb0+ + ]tgd8+h+B..R +|+|4+Q0#/@9,+/l//04+ F/  #B  4, 2/ 'Ъ0- / #d8-h/ B0P0A is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.,-1D1x3V V<VlV4- F0d {3=  @.Pr0dB4 31;,.123d228.r1x / zp0 21x 0 b b b00 w1x 3d80h1xB33Tip0 >+ 0\hc\hc\hcp0 21x 0 c c c0|0|@0Pr0dB4 34<<,04h5T564\80r3 / y2|p2 6 0(4c(4c(4c02STp2 23 0 b b bp2 23 0 c c c02 w3 3d2|,2BL4U| |5$,2 bXN2Sampling Time (s) defines whether the model represents a continuous-time system or a discrete-time system. If the model represents a continuous-time system, Sampling Time (s) must equal zero. If the model represents a discrete-time system, Sampling Time (s) must be greater than zero and equal to the sampling rate, in seconds, of the discrete system. The default is 0.L2 : 7=0u0/.-2|2|p2 2 (4b(4b(4b,25$| U|L4B2|2|,2WWXX82|2|2|2|H2RB ;,:&@4,2N<OONPX,2;X<`<<=l2VA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.,2;;=@?X?@?82 r; 0d44 F:  4> <@5P r: B4 4:%05 w; 4d,5>x>=?? p5 2; 0 b b bp5 2; 0 c c c@5P r: B4 4<4$5|5|85h;BTip5 2=@ 0 c c c5|5|85 r=@ 0j p7 2=@ 0 b b b87h=@B=lTi07 W:   707 s:  87|07 w=@ 4d87h: B>P=Th@7P: n@tB #<,7@AA<CABxB47 J@4 n 08 U: 4d882@4 rܝp: :@4 0coccoccocL: :@4 rx0u0/.-:|l:VA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.0: @4 nd8:h@4B?>dR 0:A": Xp: :@4 cobcobcob:|,:DEF(E\G,:DEFHHJ,IT:|H:RL4 CDH!Ih:QB is the input matrix of the system that relates the inputs to the states.8: rE t4< FD  g @=P rDB4C 0= wE d,=GHG8I$Hxp= 2E 0bbbp= 2E 0ccc@=P rDB4E=|=|8=hEBCCTip= 2F 0ccc=|=|8= rF p? 2F 0bbb8?hFBFFTi0? 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