RSRC LVINLBVWF F`@<s4@Am;b PMtNxtx ُ B~ev!:2LVINrt_control_system.viPOLYPID Advanced.viC0PTH07addonscontrolpidpid.llbPID Advanced.viLVINPID Advanced (DBL).vi @ setpoint4@P@ output high@ output low output range@! auto? (T)@ manual control @ output@ process variable:@P@ setpoint high@ setpoint lowsetpoint rangef@P@ proportional gain (Kc)@ integral time (Ti, min)@ derivative time (Td, min) PID gains @ dt (s)@!reinitialize? (F) @ beta@ linearity@ dt out (s)PTH0=addonscontrolpidpid.llbPID Advanced (DBL).viPOLYFP Read (Polymorphic).vilAPTH0E FieldPointPolymorphic Read.llbFP Read (Polymorphic).vi@POLYFP Write (Polymorphic).vi򢶄PTH0G FieldPointPolymorphic Write.llbFP Write (Polymorphic).viLVINFP Write (Float -IO).vi   8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point Out @ value@ timestamp@!on change (false)@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)6@P @!status @code@0source error outPTH0E FieldPointPolymorphic Write.llbFP Write (Float -IO).viLVINFP Read (Float -IO).vi  8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In @ Type8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point Out @ value@ timestamp@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)6@P @!status @code@0source error outPTH0C FieldPointPolymorphic Read.llbFP Read (Float -IO).viLVINButterworth Filter @error@ Filtered x@! initialize @order6@LowpassHighpassBandpassBandstop filter type@ low cutoff freq: fl@ high cutoff freq: fh@ sampling freq: fs@ xPTH0<ptbypt Filters.llbButterworth Filter PtByPt.viP cP P d-`  P   cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf P!Stopx!dfdP!txdP!oldP!extj Pp@fP0@PP!!!!l@bP0   !!!$@P0!!!B@8PPPFP4@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ value000FP4@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valueb P         @P b P         @P  cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf0PP @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valuechartxP   dfdPP   txdPP   oldPP   extb P         @P  P    P   c,NP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP up dfdP txdP oldP ext c(^P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP!Reset controllerx!dfdP!txdP!oldP!ext P    P   c?VP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP!auto/manp!dfdP!txdP!oldP!ext cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf P u_manx dfdP txdP oldP ext P   c4P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf0PP@ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s] PID_gainspP   dfdPP   txdPP   oldPP   ext c<RP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf P y_SPx dfdP txdP oldP ext c(^P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP!initialize_filterx!dfdP!txdP!oldP!ext P   c;PP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP fbp dfdP txdP oldP ext` X Scale.Range:Maximum`millisecond multiple` h h Type8`p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In8`p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In8`P@ setpoint high@ setpoint low output rangeh X Scale.Range:Minimum.` (X Scale.Offset and Multiplier:Multiplier `orderZ P@@@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valueBh@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ value History Data` y` y c$ c c @!Stop @ Td [s]P@ Kc  40@P@ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s] PID_gains @ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s]@millisecond multiple c 40@P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valuechart@!Reset controller@!initialize_filter @ y_SP@!auto/man @ fb! c @ u_man c <@p*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ value reference@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c3@ dt out (s)@!reinitialize? 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QQ QQpPPP @!Stop0@P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valuechart@ u@!Reset controller@!auto/man @ u_man0@P@ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s] PID_gains @ y_SP@!initialize_filter@ fbLab Title: Second order system This lab is a part of SYSLAB (Dynamic Systems Virtual Lab), which consists of a number of virtual labs implemented in LabView. The labs in SYSLAB can be downloaded from, and can be used freely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000, Finn Haugen, Telemark University College, Norway, %#_15g%.0f %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g%.0f%.0f %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g %#_15g %#_15gdE%PPeP<DTHPD.@ (X Scale.Offset and Multiplier:Multiplier @ value@ setpoint @!Stop@4@P@ output high@ output low output range@! auto? (T) @ manual control @ output&@ process variableJ:@P@ setpoint high@ setpoint lowsetpoint rangevf@P@ proportional gain (Kc)@ integral time (Ti, min)@ derivative time (Td, min) PID gains @ dt (s)&@!reinitialize? (F) @ beta@ linearity@ dt out (s) @ setpoint4@P@ output high@ output low output range@! auto? (T)@ manual control @ output@ process variable:@P@ setpoint high@ setpoint lowsetpoint rangef@P@ proportional gain (Kc)@ integral time (Ti, min)@ derivative time (Td, min) PID gains @ dt (s)@!reinitialize? (F) @ beta@ linearity@ dt out (s)@ u&@!Reset controller@!auto/man @ u_man<0@P@ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s] PID_gains@ Kc @ Ti [s] @ Td [s]`T  8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In @ Type8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point Out @ value@ timestamp@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)6@P @!status @code@0source error outD8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In 7 @ TypeD8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point Out@ hl`   8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point In8@p FieldPoint FieldPoint IOFieldPoint IO Point Out @ value@ timestamp@!on change (false)@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)6@P @!status @code@0source error out@ timestamp&@!on change (false)<0@P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ valuechartPFP4@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ value   FP4@*P @ y_SP@ Filtered x @ value@P@ Initial Time@ Final Time@ Time Step@ Absolute Tolerance@ Relative Tolerance @Discrete Time Step Multiple@0Continuous Solver@0Additional Parameters Sim Params&@!initialize_filter@ fb @error@! initialize @orderF6@LowpassHighpassBandpassBandstop filter type$@ low cutoff freq: fl*@ high cutoff freq: fh&@ sampling freq: fs@ x @error@ Filtered x@! initialize @order6@LowpassHighpassBandpassBandstop filter type@ low cutoff freq: fl@ high cutoff freq: fh@ sampling freq: fs@ x@ y&P@ Kc  @Xt@(H@XX0PppDDHX@HH8Xp`x  D X p  , , D D D \  \ <  ` `LL$$HH\Xt8\pHH  D X p\\\\p DHHH\ XH\ p ]rpRT control systemgD';';Finn Haugen, April 23, 2005\D*n7*o7 Setpoint ySP [V]QD+8+8chartQD$(5(5t [s]H"Q!&("&(L D$HDQS`S`ZD""Filtered y [V]PD>YKr>ZKry_SPNw$~x$~ HQ*{7*}7PDZgZgStopH$(lQp}p} N$+%+ HR( T*SN$+%+ HQ(!T*SNZa[a TDkxkxauto/manMDbnrboouHQvrvs\D))Reset controllerQDtu u_manH QxyPDdqdqAutoUDZgZg PID_gainsNDttKcHtQtPtPRDTi [s]HQPPHD$HQODManRDTd [s]H0QPPHDQTtaTua]D??initialize_filterH$Q)) gDeBeBMeasurement filter, fb [Hz]NDfbHQ'' N$$+%$+ HTQ*(7T***SHD,Q)^6u)_6uHDR++ HDQhuhuHDcQHDhQ7D7DHDQYfYfMD;?HH;AHGhHDP\LK?XXKAXWcDGFFP Write (Float -IO).vibDFieldPoint IO Point InHDQP]P]PDTypeaDsuPID Advanced (DBL).viHDhQ=^>^HDQbDsrFP Read (Float -IO).viHD0Q,,HDULklHD$QbDOQFieldPoint IO Point InHDQHDLUL)6)6XD output rangeYDFE setpoint highHDQHD QXDBA setpoint low`D'4'4millisecond multipleQDANANchartaDIFVIHVX Scale.Range:MinimumaDX@eXBeX Scale.Range:MaximumHD0QyytDiviv(X Scale.Offset and Multiplier:MultiplierHDQHDQ"/"/hDedButterworth Filter PtByPt.viQD6C6CorderHDQFSFSHD0Qpl}pnp~HDQuuPDerery_SPHDQVDvv Filtered xHDQQDvalueXD_[l_]l History DataMDr )r"(yHDDQ('MD7@9?yHDQ0?2> $$ >> YY JJ ZZ JJ STOPManAutoManAuto.Initialize filterONInitialize filterON$FPHPrt_control_system.vi98FPHPXL89.ئn97`XL18i7,  ~D;RR0 G <$>@ :J!%5ff]0 J& :KZ |@ :L!%h5|vvo@ :K!%}5nng0 2($%.0 2->?D`006M'M $D_@4>(>   H x4 3^'6P 4 2 ')tQ 4 3^XQ 4 6Ra`Q 0  DG0 2(YZ0 2-JK8hB.xT4 $#x0D-0vTp0  ;9Z>,  @D4 N=XLs Q @P A$k<4 J  v% Q |8 2 )z8Q ȆX<Oh t*4 O Yh Q <  v o~Q R  hhhhh4 J| #, $ 0 | #Yd8 2| ' Ud9 P8h|BRp :| 0$c$c$cp :| $b$b$bL :| ' -0u0/.-@P A #&Y(|p : 0$c$c$c4 J #, ȭ$ 8 2 '"Upv$ 9dL : '"-0u0/.-0  #&Ydp : &$b&$b&$b8hB0R4 7J|A Yb 41<, <  t4 Ojy <1|p 2  0$k0wc$k0wc$k0wcp 2  0kCD@0>i >i B$0 78B | | |< O|d8= |, D8 hHB R @ P(hdA8 | |, L DH < O'v%?, %&'P&0 4VlKK@ PC|am ;P< S`+YY! 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