RSRC LVINLBVWt8, t`@<sLN) Ky#@*h< ُ B~j!_/uyZ:6LVINsystem_ident.viLVCCCD General Elements.ctl}\;CD General Elements.ctl@P@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes propertiesPTH0aaddonsControl Design_Model ConstructionModel Typedefs.llbCD General Elements.ctloCODECDTKPOLYSI Model IdentificationModel Analysis.llbSI Model SI Estimate State-Space| bPTH0daddonsSystem IdentificationParametric Estimation.llb SI Estimate State-Space Model.viSYIDSYIDLVIN/SI Convert to Transfer Function Model of x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)transfer function model@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@!measured only? (T)@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise) system modelPTH0naddonsSystem IdentificationModel Conversion.llb/SI Convert to Transfer Function Model of CDT.viSYIDSYIDPOLY%SI Estimate Orders of System IdentificationParametric Estimation.llb%SI Estimate Orders of System>SI Estimate Orders of System Model (State-Space SISO Array).vi x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ singular values@ optimal order@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) @order@@ response signal@@ stimulus signalPTH0addonsSystem IdentificationParametric Estimation.llb>SI Estimate Orders of System Model (State-Space SISO Array).viSYIDSYIDLVIN#SI Model Simulation (SISO Array).vi  x  6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ std deviation@@ response@ sampling rate@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@@ @ Numericnoise&@@ @ Numericstimulus signal@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise) system modelPTH0`addonsSystem IdentificationModel Analysis.llb#SI Model Simulation (SISO Array).viSYIDSYIDPOLYSI Remove Trend.viPTH0PaddonsSystem IdentificationData Preprocess.llbSI Remove Trend.viSYIDSYIDLVIN-SI Estimate State-Space Model (SISO Array).viv x   6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ noiseb@P@@ A@@ B@@ C@ D!coefficients of state-space model@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise)system model out&@@ @ Numericinitial states"@@ @ Numeric Kalman gain@ sampling rateJ@P@! D matrix?@! K matrix?@!initial states?structure selector@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@number of states@@ response signal@@ stimulus signalPTH0qaddonsSystem IdentificationParametric Estimation.llb-SI Estimate State-Space Model (SISO Array).viiSYIDSYIDPOLY%CD Draw Transfer Function Equation.viPTH0baddonsControl Design_UtilityModel Viewer.llb%CD Draw Transfer Function Equation.viCODECDTKLVIN*cd_Draw Transfer Function Equation (TF).vi x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out,@P @Width @HeightDraw Area Size@3Equation@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@Input (column)@ Output (row)@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)Transfer Function ModelPTH0gaddonsControl Design_UtilityModel Viewer.llb*cd_Draw Transfer Function Equation (TF).viCODECDTKPOLYCD Write Model to File.viVPTH0baddonsControl Design_Model ConstructionModel File IO.llbCD Write Model to File.viCODECDTKLVINcd_Write Model to File (TF).vi x  6@P @!status @code@0source error out"@Offset after Write (Records)0@2'New File Path (Not A Path if cancelled)@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)"@!Append to File? (new file:F)@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)Transfer Function Model$@2File Path (dialog if empty)PTH0gaddonsControl Design_Model ConstructionModel File IO.llbcd_Write Model to File (TF).viCODECDTKLVINRead From Spreadsheet x  @!EOF?@mark after read (chars.)@@ first row@@ all rows@0delimiter (Tab)0@2'new file path (Not A Path if cancelled)@!transpose (no:F)@0 format (%.3f)&@ max characters/row (no limit:0)$@start of read offset (chars.:0)@number of rows (all:-1)$@2file path (dialog if empty)PTH0;Utilityfile.llbRead From Spreadsheet File.viMLVINSI Remove Trend (SISO Array).vi, x + 6@P @!status @code@0source error outP@P"@@@ stimulusstimulus"@@@ stimulusresponsemean"@@ response signal out"@@ stimulus signal out@P&@@ @ Numericstimulus slope*@@ @ Numericstimulus intercept&@@ @ Numericresponse slope*@@ @ Numericresponse intercept linear trend @@piecewise points@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@ trend type"@@ response signal in"@@ stimulus signal inPTH0]addonsSystem IdentificationData Preprocess.llbSI Remove Trend (SISO Array).virSYIDSYID..P cP P d-` @ P@@@@0String@ P@@@@0String< P@@@ @ Numeric P   < P@@@ @ Numeric P    P   P@@@Z@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayCluster< P@@@ @ Numeric P   < P@@@ @ Numeric P    P   c8,P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfPP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties~@@Z@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)"Estimated Transfer Function, Hp(z)pPZP0@0@0@ @  04@&P@ @  dfdPPZP0@0@0@ @  04@&P@ @  txdPPZP0@0@0@ @  04@&P@ @  oldPPZP0@0@0@ @  04@&P@ @  ext P c4hP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf PUser-selected model order:pdfdPtxdPoldPext c,XP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP! stop_estimx!dfdP!txdP!oldP!ext P P c VP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP max_orderpdfdPtxdPoldPext c dP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfPSuggested optimal orderpdfdPtxdPoldPext c P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ singular valuesp@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ extb P         @P b P         @P j Pp@fP0@PP!!!!l@bP0   !!!$@P0!!!B@8PP c \P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP!Detrend_selectp!dfdP!txdP!oldP!extj Pp@fP0@PP!!!!l@bP0   !!!$@P0!!!B@8PP cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf*P@ Logged and simulated yx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ extb P         @P b P         @P  c pP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP3Estimated Hp(z) p3dfd P3txd P3old P3ext0(P*P00204 P@@@  P   4 P@@@ c P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ Array tx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext P cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf"P@Time series lengthx@dfdP@txdP@oldP@ext4 P@@@  P   4 P@@@  P   c(P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ Array ux@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext c P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ Array yx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext c hP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP2logfile p2dfd P2txd P2old P2ext0 P*P0020 c vP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP2Model saved in file: p2dfd P2txd P2old P2ext P   cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf P h [s]x dfdP txdP oldP ext ` x" P@@" P@@Z P$@P@0P" P@@h trend type" P@@J`P@! D matrix?@! K matrix?@!initial states?structure selector" P@@hIndeks for dim 1`Disabled Index (col)`Disabled Index (col)`Indeks for dim 1`Indeks for dim 1 c c$ c c $@2File Path (dialog if empty)! c @@ all rows 6@P @!status @code@0source error out c@millisecond multiple"@Offset after Write (Records)0@2'New File Path (Not A Path if cancelled) c @2logfile&"@@Time series length"@2Model saved in file:@ max_order$ @User-selected model order:@! stop_estim"@!Append to File? (new file:F) c@!Detrend_select@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@@ all rows @!EOF? c@$@2file path (dialog if empty)@number of rows (all:-1)$@start of read offset (chars.:0)@0 format (%.3f)@@ all rows&@ max characters/row (no limit:0)@mark after read (chars.)@0delimiter (Tab)@@ first row@!transpose (no:F) c0@2'new file path (Not A Path if cancelled)@@ all rows c6@P @!status @code@0source error out c@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)transfer function model@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@Input (column)@ Output (row)6@P @!status @code@0source error out c,@P @Width @HeightDraw Area Size@3Equation@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@P&@@ @ Numericstimulus slope*@@ @ Numericstimulus intercept&@@ @ Numericresponse slope*@@ @ Numericresponse intercept linear trend @@piecewise points@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c"@@ response signal in@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise)system model out cb@P@@ A@@ B@@ C@ D!coefficients of state-space model6@P @!status @code@0source error out c@ trend typeP@P"@@@ stimulusstimulus"@@@ stimulusresponsemean6@P @!status @code@0source error out c@ &@@ @ Numericinitial states! c@ @@ noise c@ sampling rate@@ stimulus signal"@@ @ Numeric Kalman gain@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@!measured only? (T) c"@@ stimulus signal in c8@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@ optimal order6@P @!status @code@0source error out c"@@ singular values c @@ std deviation@@ @ Numericnoise@ @@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) c@ sampling rate@@ response6@P @!status @code@0source error out c c| c c| c c| c c| c c| c c| c c|@ @ c c| ch c@O all rows@O all rows@O all rows c  c c c c c dP``` dZ5t--.0.0 : x0 \D-^~SI Estimated ModelStimulus Input (0)Respose Output(0)???  @JN=).ш="]pL= = ==u>={{=og=%悑=93X@$@??@Y@4@?|*Plot 0 #6HZl|* Order (number of states) Amplitudef3<f3Logged y dY!Simulated y using estimated modeldY  Time step no. Amplitudety@@Y@4?@??ə?q6)  #%9 Tahoma &&3  Tahoma &&3z  Tahoma ,&3: - 0.9  Tahoma (!00.1 PTH0Ctemplogfile1 PTH0PTH0Ctempmodel1?d$p L&1R B7~7dpx  $808 dpx p l|~  <H  x $08 ( dzpx     $2 0 8   d p x  d    _ c g@ ~@  k o r @ (V@ @ @  @ @ @ L@ @  H L@ @ @ T TD@ @  r x) ) d@+@ +B`,@H,@ L@ x@ @  H@ @  B *VIDSsystem_ident.viVIDSSI Remove Trend (SISO Array).vi `PTH0SYIDSYIDVIDS#SI Model Simulation (SISO Array).vi lPTH0SYIDSYIDVIDS-SI Estimate State-Space Model (SISO Array).vi dPTH0SYIDSYIDVIDS>SI Estimate Orders of System Model (State-Space SISO Array).vi hPTH0SYIDSYIDVIDS/SI Convert to Transfer Function Model of pPTH0SYIDSYIDVIDSRead From Spreadsheet \PTH0VIDScd_Write Model to File (TF).vi xPTH0CODECDTKVIDS*cd_Draw Transfer Function Equation (TF).vi tPTH0CODECDTK:8i386[8Wcode :Ew$WE\EPPUEd$=9=QÐYӀ}}E$EEɍ|HHH HHHHH H$H(ƅxd  hh UEPQRhhhP $RId$ZY ƅx?  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""S"88!8)81898% jD0Jd~4Nh  8 B _ &(f(((+)k)))CODE uȀ :%7.1Oldest compatible LabVIEW. R|R\Qmp..p(PPP@P@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties~@@Z@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)"Estimated Transfer Function, Hp(z)@! stop_estim @User-selected model order:@ max_order@Suggested optimal order@@ singular values@!Detrend_select*@@ Logged and simulated y@3Estimated Hp(z)@@ Array t"@@Time series length@@ Array u@@ Array y@2logfile@2Model saved in file: @ h [s]Lab Title: Second order system This lab is a part of SYSLAB (Dynamic Systems Virtual Lab), which consists of a number of virtual labs implemented in LabView. The labs in SYSLAB can be downloaded from, and can be used freely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000, Finn Haugen, Telemark University College, Norway, %#.6p%.0f%.0f%.0f %#_3g%.0f %#_3g%.4f%.0f%.0f%.0f%#_g%#_g%.0f%#_g%.0f%.3f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.3f%.0f%.3f%.2f%.0f %#_15g%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f%.0f@SdTJQH&& @@@ɘUPQPH[hDTHPDtR88[`[g~WpF6@P @!status @code@0source error out @@ noiserb@P@@ A@@ B@@ C@ D!coefficients of state-space model:*@@ Logged and simulated y@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise)system model out6&@@ @ Numericinitial states$@@ response2"@@ @ Numeric Kalman gain"@ sampling ratejZ x + 6@P @!status @code@0source error outP@P"@@@ stimulusstimulus"@@@ stimulusresponsemean"@@ response signal out"@@ stimulus signal out@P&@@ @ Numericstimulus slope*@@ @ Numericstimulus intercept&@@ @ Numericresponse slope*@@ @ Numericresponse intercept linear trend @@piecewise points@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@ trend type"@@ response signal in"@@ stimulus signal in@ trend type@ !L@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) @!Detrend_selectZJ@P@! D matrix?@! K matrix?@!initial states?structure selector$@3Estimated Hp(z) @P@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties~@@Z@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)"Estimated Transfer Function, Hp(z)@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)Transfer Function Model@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties"@ Output (row) @Input (column)"@ &@number of states.@@ response signal.@@ stimulus signal"@3EquationP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes, @@piecewise pointsz x  @!EOF?@mark after read (chars.)@@ first row@@ all rows@0delimiter (Tab)0@2'new file path (Not A Path if cancelled)@!transpose (no:F)@0 format (%.3f)&@ max characters/row (no limit:0)$@start of read offset (chars.:0)@number of rows (all:-1)$@2file path (dialog if empty) @0 Model name6&@@@0String Input names0$@2file path (dialog if empty)(@number of rows (all:-1)0$@start of read offset (chars.:0)6&@ max characters/row (no limit:0)&@0 format (%.3f)&@!transpose (no:F)<0@2'new file path (Not A Path if cancelled)(@@ std deviation &  x  6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ std deviation@@ response@ sampling rate@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@@ @ Numericnoise&@@ @ Numericstimulus signal@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise) system model$@0delimiter (Tab)(@@ all rows$@@ first row.@mark after read (chars.) @!EOF?*@Disabled Index (col)(@@ @ Numericnoise@0String4(@@@0String Output names0$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays @ Numeric0$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays"@ Sampling Time@0Notes~@@Z@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s) @!initial states?$@@ all rows6&@@ @ Numericstimulus signal@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise) system model@! K matrix?jZ@P @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayCluster, @@ @ Numeric numerator@&@Indeks for dim 1&@@ Array y 2"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delay&@@ Array u@ max_order(@Suggested optimal order.@@ singular values@P@ Initial Time@ Final Time@ Time Step@ Absolute Tolerance@ Relative Tolerance @Discrete Time Step Multiple@0Continuous Solver@0Additional Parameters Sim Params,  x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ singular values@ optimal order@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error) @order@@ response signal@@ stimulus signal"@ optimal order @order, @User-selected model order:@ x (@millisecond timer value@! stop_estim*@millisecond multiple2"@@Time series length  x   6@P @!status @code@0source error out@@ noiseb@P@@ A@@ B@@ C@ D!coefficients of state-space model@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise)system model out&@@ @ Numericinitial states"@@ @ Numeric Kalman gain@ sampling rateJ@P@! D matrix?@! K matrix?@!initial states?structure selector@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@number of states@@ response signal@@ stimulus signal@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)transfer function model$@!measured only? (T)  x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)transfer function model@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@!measured only? (T)@@йsi_generic model.ctlP$@P@0version@@АSI Model Type.ctl UndefinedAR ARX (SISO) ARX (MISO) ARX (MIMO) ARMAX (SISO) ARMAX (MISO)Output-Error (SISO)Output-Error (MISO)Box-Jenkins (SISO)Box-Jenkins (MISO)General Linear (SISO)General Linear (MISO)State-Space (SISO)State-Space (MISO)State-Space (MIMO)Transfer Function (SISO)Transfer Function (MISO)Transfer Function (MIMO)Pole-Zero (SISO)Pole-Zero (MISO)Pole-Zero (MIMO) model type&@@@0String input names(@@@0String output names@0notes attributes@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ D coefficients@P@@ A@@ B@@ F@@ C@@ Dstd deviations6@@ @ Numericcoefficients covariance*@@ @ Numericnoise variance@ fs @P@number of inputs@number of outputs"@@ @B orderA order"@@ @B orderB order"@@ @B orderF order"@@ @B orderC order"@@ @B orderD order"@@ @B orderDelays system info@@ kalman gain$@@ @ Numeric initial statel@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO) trans funcv@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO) zeros-polesr@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-polest@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)trans func (noise)z@@R@P@@ @ Numericbetas@@ @ Numericalphastrans func (SISO)std of trans func (noise)~@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)zeros-poles (noise)@@\@P@@ @ Numericzeros@@ @ Numericpoles @ gainzeros-poles (SISO)std of zeros-poles (noise) system model&@@ Array t2"@@ stimulus signal in2"@@ response signal in@P&@@ @ Numericstimulus slope*@@ @ Numericstimulus intercept&@@ @ Numericresponse slope*@@ @ Numericresponse intercept linear trend2"@@ stimulus signal out2"@@ response signal out\P@P"@@@ stimulusstimulus"@@@ stimulusresponsemean@! D matrix? x 6@P @!status @code@0source error out,@P @Width @HeightDraw Area Size@3Equation@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)@Input (column)@ Output (row)@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)Transfer Function Model8,@P @Width @HeightDraw Area SizeF6 x  6@P @!status @code@0source error out"@Offset after Write (Records)0@2'New File Path (Not A Path if cancelled)@@P @!status @code@0sourceerror in (no error)"@!Append to File? (new file:F)@%CD Transfer Function Model (MIMO).ctlP@\;CD General Elements.ctlP@0 Model name&@@@0String Input names(@@@0String Output names$@@ @ Numeric Input Delays$@@ @ Numeric Output Delays@ Sampling Time@0Notes properties@@@%CD Transfer Function Model (SISO).ctlRP @@ @ Numeric numerator"@@ @ Numeric denominator @ delayClustertransfer function(s)Transfer Function Model$@2File Path (dialog if empty)2"@Offset after Write (Records)<0@2'New File Path (Not A Path if cancelled)2"@!Append to File? 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