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The data consists of the arrays A, B, C, and D.0  Jtd8 hB4Tg0 7 Np@ d!xy\; (4 FJx' `, 1mht}( ,  }(tmh1 |< SJy|, @`4 N x 8 hBxH K0  yd8 hBTg | |< p!',,p0h |0 7 u4 QOt, 84 Fp O^S |S4 2p apĻ0 p ]td|<0h,p',!pHR ,,`,\4 F G ~@P2B4G ,@<l8r` /Cw ^|8hpBh,T0 w` +Gd8h`BTi||0 W J0 s K0 U Gd8hBTh||p 2` 0,b,b,bp 2` 0,c,c,c,Dt4 J Kj pS4 2 OtS0  Kd8hBT||HRZ |\,H (#$4 F 5 y ,$4QK 8r ( |ٰp 2 ( 0bbbp 2 ( 0ccc0 w ( d8h (Bp\Ti||0 W 0 s V0 U Zd|@PrB4| |4QV , !$!X!4 J |  p4 2 | R00  | Vd8h |B!!T||HR+4"0%,"\"$$%%44 F! I y @Pv!B4-V",&#\#$<$l||8hB h Thp 2" 0 -;b -;b -;bp 2" 0- ;c- ;c- ;c0 w" :Vd8h"B#"Ti0 W! +Y0 s! Z00 U! V4d8h!B%%lTh||@P!Z%%,&&H*&4 N% T} @ L :% Z`00/.-8r" >Rg ̴8h%B'' T||HR45't*,'')**H/04 F', 5 ܑ@Pv',B4(,(@(x()X)8r'  쁀p 2' 0 b b bp 2' 0 c c c0 w' d8 h'B))Ti | |0 W', 0 s', 0.0 U', 42d |8 % Zy g"|@"P',!.+,+&","+X++,4" N* ) L# :*  00/.-8#* !.Ґz 쁌8%h*B,\,H T%|%|@%PN tg.L,8%Sampling Time (s) defines whether the model represents a continuous-time system or a discrete-time system. If the model represents a continuous-time system, Sampling Time (s) must equal zero. If the model represents a discrete-time system, Sampling Time (s) must be greater than zero and equal to the sampling rate, in seconds, of the discrete system. The default is 0.,%.x.4P/h./04% F,p N ]P 8&2,p apc lL( :,p ap0u0/.-8(h',B**xThp( :,p htbhtbhtb0( ,p ]tgd8(h,pB0T0@R (|(|4(Q#09,(00101`4( F0h #B  4) 20h 'Ъ0* 0h #d8*h0hB11T*|*|H*R{2t2:kJl*VA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.,*225Xkk4kdk4* F1 {3=  @+Pr1B4 33;,+3@3x4348+r2 / zp- 22 0 b b b0- w2 3d8-h2B5D50Tip- >,p 0\hc\hc\hcp- 22 0 c c c-|-|@-Pr1B4 35<,-567$7q8-r5X / y/|7w Y E08tZ9r Y 1w T[ p/ 25X 0 b b bp/ 25X 0 c c c0/ w5X 3d/|980r T[ ,/X[Q:\2 Y 0bAr XB4HZ}9Zq2 Y 0c1s X K1U X Oy\:[:]6l]1W X -\:w T[ /|/|pJH^ >q:H^  b  1H^ K}l@P_q:H^ 0 c  I /M(0 (5F 9r  ' /|yB2  0-b--1w  +=r 8  l@r B4-Ar B4xq2 8 0b1w 8 AX|>@q2  0cq2 8 0c1W  /1s  *I!X|>@>8?t??AH@TtAA B0 PB B4 Bl E` tE8 /|iHt:0  0cq:0   b}ZDX`YYlYL6tZ<8Z8Z6T[8\7\h:[:]6l]9]h9^9H^;^d<_H;P_D=4a<_;`===X?T0>X|>@>8?t??AH@TtAA B0 PB B4 Bl E` tE8 B C tHnx/nXH92g Itj2+abgT5F b ]g/|]b\;iHP = hCCCH\bw lc A']yIr  bB4 4)]$O9r lc E#YAr  bB44 ]cxb2 lc 04)Bb4)B4)Bq2 lc 0 4Bc 4B 4B1w d A ]1W b 2+`Lr d EYq2 d 04 Bb4 B4 B1s b a&1U b ]*qxb2 d 04Bc4B4B5Jg M:g  0uM be hhq:g  b1g qxb:g 0c920 EI /M(0 (H/RW5OO|&T",/c4ddxceP,/PQQPRdl/VA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.,/PLPQTTDUT8/ rP H\ d41 FN `j ܞ @2P rNB47`OP%02 wP D`d,2S4SlRTSp2 2P 07Eb7Eb7Ebp2 2P 07Ec7Ec7Ec@2P rNB47`P$2|2|82hPBTip2 2Q 07Ec7Ec7Ec2|2|82 rQ H\О p4 2Q 07Eb7Eb7Eb84hQBR<Ti04 WN 5c04 sN d4|04 wQ D`d84hNBS RPTh@4PNdU0V#^,4U\UUWVhW4Wd44 JT d Ԟ 05 UN `d852T h| p7 :T 0YecYecYecL7 :T hn0u0/.-7|Xl7VA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.07 T dd87hTBTtS R 07V"Nzp7 :T YebYebYeb7|,7YlZtZZ[,7YY[T]l]^^7|H7R`LX|Y!^H(h7QB is the input matrix of the system that relates the inputs to the states.87 rY  t49 FX  H@:P rXB4XP 0: wY d,:\\[]]4p: 2Y 0bbbp: 2Y 0ccc@:P rXB4ZH:|:|8:hYBXXB is the input matrix of the system that relates the inputs to the states.0? ^H Hd8?h^HB` ]R 0?a X$ ?|(p? :^H bbb?|,?bcldgg4h|g?|?|?|H?Rjt2+abgT=!ؑؑ4? Fb  ]g xh \@EC is the output matrix that relates the outputs to the states.8@ rcl E#Y y h@BP rb B4 4)]O$0B wcl A']d,Bf$f\egxfpB 2cl 04)Bb4)Bb4)BbpB 2cl 0 4Bc 4Bc 4Bc@BP rb B44 ]cB|B|8BhclBaaTipB 2d 04Bc4Bc4Bc,Biihijij(8B rd EYy pD 2d 04 Bb4 Bb4 Bb8DhdBb aTi0D Wb  2+`0D sb  a&D|0D wd A ]d8Dhb Be<e(Th@DPb aeh h\DEC is the output matrix that relates the outputs to the states.0D Ub ]*dpD :g 0VbcVbcVbcpD :g VbbVbbVbb0D g ad4D Jg a y 8E2g e b8GhgBj`gdR G|0Gjb dG|LG :g e k0u0/.-0G W1 60G s1 70G U1 3d8Gh1B:T:@Th@GP17hAl =blGVA is the system matrix that describes the dynamics of the states of the system.4G Nk 1Z g LH :k 7=00/.-8Hk 7h8^ 8JhkB>hrthJQB is the input matrix of the system that relates the inputs to the states.,JnDnxpdqrr@rp4J Fmh | ,{@KPrmhB4n?,Knooop,8Krnx  ypM 2nx 0bbbpM 2nx 0ccc0M wnx d8MhnxBClCXTi@MPrmhB4p@,Mx@xxq8pq0M wpd d8Mh5XB75TipM 2pd 0ccc8MhpdBHlDTi0M Wmh 0M smh d0M Umh hd8MhmhBrrThM|M|@MPmh3sxsAhMQB is the input matrix of the system that relates the inputs to the states.,Msst$t\4M Nr % LN :r 00/.-8Nr 3 칰8PhrBtt TP|P|HPRu`uB{H\PEC is the output matrix that relates the outputs to the states.,PuuwzXzzz4P Ft 3= h @QPrtB4 3vC,Qv,vdvwDwt8Qru / pS 2u 0 b b bpS 2u 0 c c c0S wu  3d8ShuBwwTiS|S|@SPrtB4 3xD,SxyXyy8Srpd \LpU 2pd 0bbbpU 2w 0 b b bpU 2w 0 c c c0U ww 3d8UhwBzDz0TiU|U|0U Wt 60U st 70U Ut 3d8UhtB{4{ ThU|U|@UPt7h{{E\UEC is the output matrix that relates the outputs to the states.,U||D||4U N{H 1Z (LV :{H 7=00/.-8V{H 7hҤh8Xh{HB}} TX|X|HXRh}}pF`XKD is the transmission matrix that relates the inputs to the outputs.,X}~0D P4X F}(  X@YPr}(B4~pG,Y~~D8Yr~0 钴p[ 2~0 0bbbp[ 2~0 0ccc0[ w~0  d8[h~0B0Ti[|[|@[Pr}(B4H,[H8[rD Xh ]|]|8]rw /p_ 2D 0ccc0_ wD d8_hDBTi0_ W}( 0_ s}( d0_ U}( hd8_h}(BTh_|_|@_P}(3PIL`_KD is the transmission matrix that relates the inputs to the outputs.,_\4_ N % Tz L` : 00/.-8` 3 h8bhB Tb|b|HbRQ<J ^,bh@4b F Q` @cPrB4_{K,c@ P8cr fuX pe 2 0m{bm{bm{bpe 2 0_mc_mc_mc0e w byd8ehBTie|e|0e W _}0e s f0e U bd8ehBxThe|e|4eQfLe,eH|4e J Ud |y4f 2 j}y 0g  fd8ghBTg|g|HgR? 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