import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # %% Number of events (experiments; draws; trials): n = 100000 # Symbols of samples: # 'C1C2': Selection 1 = car. Selection 2 = car. # 'C1G2': Selection 1 = car. Selection 2 = goat. # 'G1C2': Selection 1 = goat. Selection 2 = car. # 'G1G2': Selection 1 = goat. Selection 2 = goat. # %% Params of choice(): population = ['C1C2', 'C1G2', 'G1C2', 'G1G2'] sample_size = 1 replace = True prob = [1/6, 1/6, 2/6, 2/6] # %% Variables holding results: num_C1C2 = 0 num_C1G2 = 0 num_G1C2 = 0 num_G1G2 = 0 num_not_classified = 0 # %% For loop realizing the n trials (samplings): for k in range(0, n): # Sample number k: sample_k = np.random.choice(population, sample_size, replace, prob) # Classification of sample_k: if sample_k[0] == 'C1C2': num_C1C2 += 1 elif sample_k[0] == 'C1G2': num_C1G2 += 1 elif sample_k[0] == 'G1C2': num_G1C2 += 1 elif sample_k[0] == 'G1G2': num_G1G2 += 1 else: num_not_classified += 1 # %% Distribution of samples:: distr_samples = np.array([num_C1C2, num_C1G2, num_G1C2, num_G1G2]) # Relative occurencies: frac_distr_samples = distr_samples/n # %% Distribution of events: events = ['C2_after_change', 'C2_after_no_change'] distr_events = np.array([num_G1C2, num_C1C2]) frac_distr_events = distr_events/(num_G1C2 + num_C1C2) ratio_num_G1C2_to_num_C1C2 = num_G1C2/num_C1C2 print('Increase of probability of GETTING CAR due to ' + 'CHANGE =', f'{ratio_num_G1C2_to_num_C1C2:.1f}') # %% Plotting: plt.close('all') fig1 = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(30/2.54, 24/2.54))#Inch plt.subplot(2,1,1), frac_distr_samples, width=0.9, color=['m', 'b', 'y', 'c']) # plt.grid() plt.title('Distribution of samples') plt.xlabel('Samples') plt.ylabel('Fraction = Probability') plt.subplot(2,1,2), frac_distr_events, width=0.9, color=['g', 'r']) # plt.grid() plt.title('Distribution of events') plt.xlabel('Events') plt.ylabel('Fraction = Probability') # plt.savefig('plot_monty_hall.pdf')