RSRC LVARLBVW Ө ls_intro VIsls_intro Ctrls">>"@  J B&*">>"`PP``LL`440<ψȈfofofo     P\ P_\ _U U++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A x A x Vector.viReal LU"Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse.viReal Compact Array to"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.viReal LU Inverse!Solve General Linear Compact Tri-Matrix Linear$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.viReal Matrix to Compact Array.viReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viInverse Matrix.viSolve Linear ls_intro.viInstrUseInstrUseInstrUseInstrUseInstrUseInstrUseInstrUseInstrUse InstrUse InstrUse InstrUse InstrUse InstrUseInstrUseInstrUse A x A x Vector.viReal LU"Real Compact Tri-Matrix"Real Compact Array to"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.viReal LU Inverse$!Solve General Linear Compact Tri-Matrix Linear'$Real Compact Cho Linear"Real Matrix to Compact"Real Compact Cholesky Factor.viInverse Matrix.viSolve Linear ls_intro.viIIz1I@I@`٠ `ـAሀAA5AAA`  / */  `  陀!!A!H J x J+x J H   8 1% I A$I1!D 䑪D!%%)=)B%)@%&@`٠ `ـAሀAA͂ %%=B%@%@`٠ `ـAሀAA%!%IIz1I@I@`٠ `ـ!q@!!?gdA5ZACAZCBAA`  / */  ` @@5AACBAA`  / */  `   a8 % a$0 * * * * 0  u5&$A$AA`  / (*/  `   0͙0͙0͟0͙0͙0͙>yH J x J+x J H  ` faf` mEUEUEUEUEUEm` ` fρ af``«@BUZ@BUZ@B`«ZZ(  @error@@ A x B@@ B@@ A^^(  @error@@ A x Vector@@ Vector@@ App" @@ A8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info @sign @error L@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Inverse Array @errortt @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array@@ Matrix A @error @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayH@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeInverse Compact Array @errorrr 8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info"@@ Inverse Matrix @errorzz8  @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known Vector @@ Input Matrix(   @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known VectorL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array(   @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known Vector@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array(  @error@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array@ matrix type@@ Matrix A @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact Array @error( @error"@@ Inverse MatrixN@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type @@ Input Matrix8   @error@@ Solution VectorN@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type@@ Known Vector @@ Input Matrix=9Performs the matrix multiplication of two input matrices.GCPerforms the multiplication of an input matrix and an input vector.Solves a linear system of simultaneous equations, if possible. The system is solved using the method known as L-U decomposition.Finds the inverse matrix of the input matrix if it exists. If the input matrix is nonsingular, then the inverse matrix can be found by solving the linear system A B = I where A is the Input Matrix B is the Inverse Matrix I is the identity matirx. Finds the inverse matix of the input matrix if it exists. If the input matrix is nonsingular, then the inverse matirx can be found by solving the linear system A B = I where A is the Input Matrix B is the Inverse Matrix I is the identity matirx.Solves a real linear system AX=Y using svd algorithm. If A is full rank, the vi finds the solution. In the case of multiple solutions, it finds the minimum 2-norm solution. If A is rank deficit, the vi finds the least square solution. Input Matrix is a square or rectangular, real matrix. Known Vector. The number of elements in the Known Vector must be equal to the rows of the Input Matrix. If the number of elements in the Known Vector does not match the rows of the Input Matrix, the VI sets the Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. Solution Vector is the solution X to AX = Y. Let A be an m-by-n matrix that represents the Input Matrix, Y be the set of m coefficients in Known Vector, and X be the set of n elements in Solution Vector that solves the system AX = Y.Solves a linear system of simultaneous equations, if possible. The system is solved using the method known as L-U decomposition.Solves a linear system of simultaneous equations, if possible. The system is solved using the method known as L-U decomposition.Performs the cross multiplication of two input matrices. If A represents the first input matrix, B the second input, and C the resulting output matrix, the elements of C are determined according to the following equation C[i,j] = Sum{ A[i,l] B[l,j] } for l = 0, 1, 2, ...k-1 where k is the number of columns in A and the number of rows in B j ranges from 0 to (number of columns in B - 1) i ranges from 0 to (number of rows in A - 1).NJFinds the Inverse Matrix, if it exists, of the Input Matrix.%!Solves a real linear system AX=Y. PTH0 gmath.chm PTH0 gmath.chm PTH0 gmath.chm PTH0 gmath.chm A_x_B.htmlA_x_Vector.htmlInverse_Matrix.htmlSolve_Linear_Equations.html.PZ:*몪j+jj *:(Ȍ Ȅ̌ ȌB 3Ȯڿۿ=* ?L   $08@@.D@@VIDSA x B.viXFunlvanlys.*:MatrixMul_head:E$@P @aHandle @bHandle @cHandle @dsperrMatrixMul_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllli3867 ~codeEwD~E\EPPUEd$=ti=Ð)Ӏ}tJELXC4C,C$C}uE$EEƅƅ48tQRUd$ZYɍƅt hhUEP gmath.chm A_x_B.html` ` fρ af``«@BUZ@BUZ@B`«\DTHPD88T[~ @@ A @@ B @error$@@ A x BZJ@P @aHandle @bHandle @cHandle @dsperrMatrixMul_head|  @XX@X |||| MDPIaRPJaRAH&g1xDg2xDNRRc[RSc[ H+jT{jU{H)z1Dz2DMDHQIQBHp/B0BH+/B0BNPYQY HR~S~QDSdSdA x BH}܎}ݎשּׁH'j{j{שּׁNUfUf H'm~$m~$QD׿ؿerrorH'QD$7O7OA x BHDiDzMiEzMHD|FOGOHD8)||HD  HDoxpxFPHPA x @FPHPtL8 HRO'4 FX OHbSLK@P rXB4f)yEA4  r f0yE(G0 ] f0yE@ 2 Af)o0ppl@ 2 o)y0ook0 WX d'G0 sX gJ~0 UX dG,0X|@PXgJ~$4 J QQd\4 2 iS|lL@ 2 AgJrQppl@ 2 rJ~Qook0  gQ~@P2XB4y)E(A4 r, y0ED@ 2, Ay)0ppl@ 2, )0ook0 ], y0EHR %<<4 FP GRTK@PrPB4'CA4 r .CQ@ 2 A'.ppl@ 2 '.ook0 ] .C@PrPB4'CA4  r .CD@ 2 A'.ppl@ 2 '.ook0 ] .C0 WP %E0 sP Hԁ0 UP Eׄ,@ PPHԁ( P4 J OZQ4 2 Q@ 2 AHOppl@ 2 HOook0  Oԁ0  , P |H RRґ*HP 4 F H ReG@ P2 HB4|ԏ A4 r |ۏ@ 2  A|ԅppl@ 2  ԏook0 ] |ۏ@ P2 HB4i| A4  r i|(@ 2  Airppl@ 2  r|ook0 ] i|0 W H gґ0 s H j'0 U H g*,@P Hj' 4 J  Tg0P4 2 l%h@ :  Ajuppl@ :  uook0  j'0$ H|h@P@r4 F@ 4  2@ M@ :@ Appl@ :@ ook0 @ 0@$|, ,< 4 6PhL,H <\    XL*~P7B is the second matrix. If the number of rows in B does not match the number of columns in A, the VI sets A x B to an empty array and returns an error.L : pS|Y00/.-p[A x B is the matrix containing the result of the matrix multiplication A x B.L : QW00/.-L :  s00/.-L :@ 00/.-T@error returns any error or warning condition from the VI.The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k>0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets A x B to an empty array and returns an error.The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k>0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets A x B to an empty array and returns an error.B is the second matrix. If the number of rows in B does not match the number of columns in A, the VI sets A x B to an empty array and returns an error.p[A x B is the matrix containing the result of the matrix multiplication A x B.8hXB,xH,,(X`8hB,l T8h,B,H|8hB,DtH,0d8hPB8hB, @8hB,  L  8h HB8hB, ( \ t8h B,  8 x , < lH8h B, D <8h@B,(Xh8h B~p!'^F<D PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHPA x B.viXFunlvanlys.*:MatrixMul_head:E$@P @aHandle @bHandle @cHandle @dsperrMatrixMul_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dlll p@ BDHP t%8 h h o,  H0D 0@p{CcS4 BhC{NvxG0@p DdT44 BEPv0@p@~ʎ4 Bh{vLC0@p\Pˡ4 B v,pD4D |P, 0 LDTj@Dm8 (d dp0kHy} 0P |4D0k, |,|Tp T T0k   @< d(0P0k8 Hp0 \pP0k4D D (4D$  4Dt ( h @pH004 2 nyP@P0mz @0 3 mzL : io00/.-Hs\۬@pmTmS,h,h,H\@8hB,T t~Da\t%' O32[< (A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWK0Y K@ 4PRSIDHLVSR\BDPWpLIviCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD$CPMp8VITSLSTRG`HLPPtHLPTICONDTHPTRecLIfpFPHPDLLPLIbdBDHPHISTFTAB$Ptl"H(1 , p\(ܐl+@"'"l< X*l8 ؙX+x * D<'  < <&Ԁ(| t̐ p xTH" ;$ ;4@%<(IIpA x*몪j+j뻯ᄒᄒ뻪럢 *:(Ȍ Ȅ̌ ȌB 3Ȯڿۿ?~?wx gmath.chmA_x_Vector.html ` faf` mEUEUEUEUEUEmPDTHPD88HO~ @@ A @error&@@ Vector*@@ A x VectorVF@P @aHandle @xHandle @yHandle @dsperr AxVect_headl 88\\ \8 VD$Cx[Cy[  A x VectorMDn>Gn?GAHH&':(:NqHQqIQ HJvKvRDAjBjVectorH&9'9NGPHP H+IuJuHp':(:VDp/p/ A x VectorH)Ԙ՘第Nrr Hl%QDerrorHHD'?H@HHD8) I!IHD|HD&ܶݶHDxV_W_FPHP A x Vector.viT@FPHPlL8LLSH4 Bw\hLHRm|$4 F m=HM@P rB4;A4  r$ &;0 ]$ &;@ 2$ A&ppl@ 2$ &ook0 W =0 s @y0 U =|,0|@P@y$4 J$ pGRh4 2$ Iw0P@ 2$ A@Gppl@ 2$ @Gook0 $ GyHR{ <4 F| @k(@Pr|B4:A4  r %:@ 2 A%ppl@ 2 %ook0 ] %:0 W| <0 s| ?x0 U| <{,@P|?xxP4 J FQG4 2 Hv@ 2 A?Fppl@ 2 ?Fook0  Fx0 4 | |@ PrB4;A4 rP &;Q@ 2P A&ppl@ 2P &ook0 ]P &;H R oʡ0T |4 F t o0D@ Pr tB4̙A4  r әQ@ 2  Ȁppl@ 2  ̙ook0 ] ә0 W t ʛ0 s t 0 U t ",@ P tx` 4 J  qTK4 2 D@ :  Appl@ :  ook0  0 , t|h, t@Pd @V4 F t lL4  2 t @ : t Appl@ : t ook0  t 0 t$r|, \    XL HD'~78"Vector is the input vector.8"Vector is the input vector.|eA x Vector is the output vector containing the result of A multiplied by Vector.,dL :$ IO00/.-L : HN00/.-8hBL :  00/.-L : t 00/.-T@error returns any error or warning condition from the VI.,P$Hx,  DLP9A The number of columns: k in A must match the number of elements in X and must be greater than zero. For example, k must be greater than zero. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of elements in Vector, the VI sets A x Vector to an empty array and returns an error.|eA x Vector is the output vector containing the result of A multiplied by Vector.8h$B8h$B8hPB,L|,8l,d L8h|B8hB, TH@8hB,  D t@8h B8h tB,  L  48h tB, \, 0 d 8h B~!Xٜ'O uG<DP9A The number of columns: k in A must match the number of elements in X and must be greater than zero. For example, k must be greater than zero. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of elements in Vector, the VI sets A x Vector to an empty array and returns an error. PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHP A x Vector.viXFunlvanlys.*:AxVect_head:EX"@P @aHandle @xHandle @yHandle @dsperr AxVect_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dll. @ BDHP x 8   , 0 0D 0@pؠKk[4 B>Iv(G0@pKk[44 BJvLK0@pL 蓻ۛ4 BhvP0@pۯ4 B۷vX4D  h4D 84D 0xth\Tj@Dt,H8 (|,pd4D XLpX0kX XL|tXx4D0  X Xx @px4 24 U`LC0 34 Ta0kX,LD X X0kX XD XLD< |(Xxt0kXH Xt X0kX4D  @PTa L@L :4 PV00/.-pp[p{Z{\Lˬ[,xXh,hx,L8h4B,t ~D!<տ 'O:F< (A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWF6 F` 4(RSIDHLVSR\BDPWpLIviCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD$CPMp8VITSLSTRG`HLPPtHLPTICONDTHPTRecLIfphFPHP|DLLPLIbdBDHPHISTFTAB  P| t8 & tHt<<'x`*+ؙ萙lX*<p"'@"\+ܐ  T   Hp,(14l"$$pdTt6̜67ԔD Et A x Vector.vi5_Zϫj着jj꿪뻪睊j+:Ȍ Ȍ <0  Ȍ +33+3;;;m?* XrCODE"D%6.1Oldest compatible LabVIEW.(+XfDpzPPfP@@ A @error8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info @sign 0͙0͙0͟0͙0͙0͙>yH J x J+x J H DTHPD'88~p @@ A @@Pivot @error&@@ LUD8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info @sign>.P@@ A@@PivotN>@P@A @pivot @sign @errorLU_head! @PhPP @  P $@P MDY=jFY>jFAH%p':p(:N[HlQ[IlQ H&sJvsKvHt%':(:QD֨רPivotH+N$$ H|IINDssLUH+Hl%ttN_p#_p# HwHwHQDerrorHl*ZD$0H0HReal LU FactorSDXiXiLU InfoPDsignHHD_JpS_KpSHDDHDHD`iaiHDp%u 6u 6QDFfGfPivotHD/B0BHD "JRKRQDKjLjerror FPHPReal LU|h4 FX X 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error. L : yIO00/.-L :   00/.-P;You can wire this output to the Find First Error VI to produce an error cluster. This cluster can then be wired to the Simple Error Handler VI or the General Error Handler VI for an immediate report on any errors. You can also look up error codes in the Error Codes Appendix in the LabVIEW Cross Reference Manual. dOA x B is the matrix containing the result of the matrix multiplication A x B. dOA x B is the matrix containing the result of the matrix multiplication A x B. L : , }!00/.-L : "00/.-L : 00/.-~X"Жh%''9XF<D,xH\8hXB,,(X8h,B8hB,l $,H|d8hB8hB8h B, H\8hB, T x ,(X$, , l8h TB8h xB8h ,B, l  T,  H|8hB, @|8hB8hPB, P8hB, @t|,(h` PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHPReal LU Factor.viXFunlvanlys.*:LU_head:E@P@A @pivot @sign @errorLU_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dll @ BDHPܜ8,  0D 0@p qIiyY4 B^IqTv0@p$Ќœ44 BvE0@ph î4 Bhv0U@P ^k@4D4D L05@ф84D\x4DP4 2 _jJ 0@p 49L>Real Compact Array to MatrixQDerrorH|YDb!sb"s Compact ArrayYD|F|G Compact ArrayHl%/A0AN}OX}PX HQ}R}VD3t4t array typeHl*˜˜H)2ˈ3LjHD)xuxuHDrMrMHDp88HDÅԎÆԎ7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix.FPHPReal Compact Array to 4|HRhcҢ((4 F cvh@PvB4zԍA4  v\ zۍ0P@ 2\ Azԃppl@ 6\ ԍook0 ]\ zۍ0 W xҢ0 s {%0 U x(,@P{%<4 J ex(4 2 }#@ : A{ppl@ : ook0  {%0Xd|hx@P2B4ԠlA4 r ۠G@ 2 AԖppl@ 2 Ԡook0 ] ۠4 X37M?@Pxl@4 F  Q4  2 D0  @ :  @ppl@ :  ook0 X  |, xhL   h x < S`a Ҫ  4 F 4 a tQ0 7 4 {%ͥ0  4 v Ҫ  <4 4 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error. L : 00/.-~XD"v蔗+#n%D<D, p 8h 4B, <@8h l>,Real Compact Array to Matrix.vi1Ss*몪絛絛꫾꫾껪jꪪꊪ:(Ȍ 0000@H  ̌33#jg ??~?{2LVIN"Real Compact Cho Inverse @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayH@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeInverse Compact Array @errorzzP c8 P+ cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf@PP@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayxP@ dfdPP@ txdPP@ oldPP@ ext c P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfHPP@@ Compact Array@ array typeInverse Compact ArrayxP@ dfdPP@ txdPP@ oldPP@ ext P cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf PerrorxdfdPtxdPoldPext4P@@@(  P   4P@@@(  P    P" P@@ P" P@@( c462P@@ Compact Array@ array type@@ Compact Array@ array typeD@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array @@ Compact Array@ array type c c ch PvPvPvP c c@8x`p(Z=fDHPTl4@P\`l@l$p@t@d<`@8\@VIDS"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.viXFun#lvanlys.*:Cholesky_InvMatrix_head:E@P@aH @dsperrCholesky_InvMatrix_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllxi386`r~codep*dEwr~E\EPPUEd$=tY=Ð)Ӏ}t:ELXClC$\C,`}uE$EEƅ48tQRUSd$ZYɍHHƅ|t hhUEPiVD__ array typeHt'zΈ{ΈHttaDgx^gx^Inverse Compact ArrayYDSS Compact ArrayH'ݨިשּׁN H'$$VD׹ع array typeH5C6CH //HDl%} j} jHD8)rփer׃e HDHDqzrz7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix2FPHP"Real Compact Cho Inverse 4 8 R6P0 ||0$ `4|@P (<Lx@h4 F@  ,LK4  2@  &:(G@ :@ A ppl@ :@ ( ook0 @  (<0@|h,tXLT'~h7,L    @ : @ppl@ : ook0  2<S`d ՖdLh4 F| d wl0 7| ~Б0 | y ՖHR|~44 F ~1lL@PrB4.dA4 r .D@ 2 Appl@ 2 ook0 ] .0 W 00 s 3l0 U 0o,@P3l04 J :ETK4 2 .4 B| kvxG0@pԕ44 BqՄfv0@p  <֫4 BhvLC4D `4D l4D  , P $pd\ X86DQ8>:>:>IA( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWN g M 4DRSIDy|><ϟc<x?9Oçq܏øg}?x<ÿ?1 ??1c&""xx33333333333_zߙ ?zmHČDĠ  DHĠ8HD  DHĠ8HDH DHį HȬ 0 ƈ ̈( ΢,,,8(,..̂ Ìb,..̂Ό̂ (̈,΢,,,, Ȍ(@ Ƞʁʡ ̈,̢̂ ̀Ā̀ b輪(,..̂Σ ΢,,,,,,h 8̈,΢,,,H ̈,Σ ΢,,,,,,h (Ĉ,΢,,,̢.̢.̢.,8 ̈,, ,,,̌̀̈(,, ̈,̌̌? ?Ȭ ̎ B̪ʈ,̬BH 3333 ȌȈ̈ ̈ȌȈ̈̌ Ƞ* ̀Ό ( ̈ ̌ČL (̈Ā̌ H Ḧ( ̈̌   h (΢,̂̈̈̀ ⪏. *(*(  *( *  * Hʆˆˆ˕ Ȑ@RSRC LVINLBVWK KD <kgMz1D ُ B~{4WȤ(LVINReal LU Inverse Matrix.virr 8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info"@@ Inverse Matrix @errorP c8 P+ cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf8PP@@ LU@@PivotLU Info*xP@ @dfd*PP@ @txd*PP@ @old*PP@ @ext4P@@@(  P   cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf"P@ Inverse Matrixx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext P cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf PerrorxdfdPtxdPoldPext4P@@@(  P   4P@@@( P herror c4@@ LU @error<8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info@@Pivot@@ LU c c ch PvPvPvP c c8Xj<lZ $,0htLGd$pxD HL@ T@TP@<D@H@VIDSReal LU Inverse Matrix.viXFunlvanlys.*:LUInvMatrix_head:Eh@P@A @pivot @errorLUInvMatrix_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllF $i386d`"r~code`!Ew"r~E\EPPUEd$=tY=Ð)Ӏ}t:ELXCLC$DC,H}uE$EEƅ48tQRUSd$ZYɍ`Hƅ\t hhUEP?@P@aH@bH@xH @dsperrGenLinEqs_headlDDllDD XDðñ Known VectorHٕٖꨬNĶտķտ H&ܸܹ䬬QD<[=[errorH=i>ijD$9Q9QSolve General Linear Equations[D{[{\Solution VectorH&BUCUN|\e|]e H&^_XD{{ Input MatrixH+HDN}} H㔺㬬HD JKHD`,55HD(PPHDЦЧHDRS0FPHP!Solve General Linear‹ 4 FX ¯@P 2XB4؍A4  r ؔlL0 ] ؔ@ 2 A؍ppl@ 2 ook0 WX ֋0 sX ٮ0 UX ֫,0\ X|@PXٮ$4 J õD4 2 ۷TK@ 2 Aٮppl@ 2 ook0  ٵ@P:l@<4 F, ;\Q4  2, <jD@ :, A3:ppl@ :, 3:ook0 , :l0\,d|, ( l4 \8RQ,TXXL @/~7HR (z8h  4 F zZ@ P rB4:V A4  r AVG@ 2 A:Appl@ 2 :Aook0 ] AV0 W 8X0 s [0 U X,@ P[ @4 J  {[f4 2 ](@ :  AT[ppl@ :  T[ook0  [0 \ X\ |0 \   |l   (    l H R lz\p4 F  z0P@ P2 B4A4 r 𣕶h@ 2  Appl@ 2  ook0 ] 𣕶@P 2 B4A4  r 𐕣@ 2  Appl@ 2  ook0 ] 𐕣0 W  0 s  𑯨0 U  ,@P 𑯨4 Jp |M4 2p 𓸦hL@ 2p Appl@ 2p ook0 p 𑶨, l (  Known Vector. The number of elements in the Known Vector must be equal to the rows of the Input Matrix. If the number of elements in the Known Vector does not match the rows of the Input Matrix, the VI sets the Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. L : 00/.-L :, <B00/.-P;You can wire this output to the Find First Error VI to produce an error cluster. This cluster can then be wired to the Simple Error Handler VI or the General Error Handler VI for an immediate report on any errors. You can also look up error codes in the Error Codes Appendix in the LabVIEW Cross Reference Manual. t_Solution Vector is the solution X to AX = Y, where A is the Input Matrix Y is the Known Vector L :  ]c00/.-L :p 00/.-A. The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k > 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error. ~\0=T'S(*x<D,xHh8hXB,(X8hB8hB,H|0,l`T08hB8h,B, @ p ,\ ,  D x p 8hB8h B, d @$8h B8h B, 0p8h B8hpB,X\, L $ PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHP!Solve General Linear Equations.viXFunlvanlys.*:GenLinEqs_head:ET@P@aH@bH@xH @dsperrGenLinEqs_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dll @BDHP p 8  , 40Dh0@peՅu4 BIvLC0@pt44 B6v,4D H 0@p ((4 BQvP4D  @p\x$,p00@PΤ <@4 20 ϥLK0 30 Τt0@p lfv 4 BQv(GTj@D襶@8 Tt4D   TPpT0kTƵ TPT,T4D D$t< T T T,\0kTƽ,PD Tx TDx0kT8ž TD< Tt<x$t T\$0kT\ɶ; Tt0kTѶվ4D  L :0 Ҡަ00/.-\վتؾžĕľu͕;v~Dڔp 'PW1<,p h8h0B (.dUUAn dA( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWJ J 4RSID0LVSRDBDPWXLIvilCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD CPMp STRG4ICONHDTHP\TRecpLIfpFPHP(DLLPd$ZYɍƅdt hhUEPȅ~PUȅ~P(lȅ~iPȅ~Opȅ~p @'PUEd$=uÐPȅ~PɅ~^_^ZY[]ÐQRud$ZY%Ul$SQRVW}#uQRURād$ZY_^ZY[]ÐUl$SQRVWt$$|$(~SQRVWPEEXPE EXQRhhuhPED$Xh\zǁd$ZY=t%EEPERUQ YZX_^ZY[ÐuP$P$nd$ _^ZY[]ÐUl$SQRVWuaɅ~Fą~F@@ʅ~FDQRhUN@ād$ZY_^ZY[]ÐXNN>`ą~%00(CODE!DF%6.1Oldest compatible LabVIEW.Dx!bİpPPP@@ Known Vector@@ Solution Vector @errorL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array Solves a linear system of simultaneous equations, if possible. The system is solved using the method known as L-U decomposition.%%=B%@%@`٠ `ـAሀAA%!%DTHPD+88ǜ~` (@@ Compact Array @error(@@ Known Vector.@@ Solution Vector@ array typeXL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact ArrayJ:@P @aClust@xH @dsperrTriLinEqs_headl(@@hh(@ nD$9$Q^9%Q^""Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear EqsYDtNtO Compact ArrayH8J9JNvXavYa HZ[dDZ*kZ+kTriangular Compact ArrayXDKL Known VectorNss H1D2DNR[S[ H&TU[DrOrOSolution VectorHיؙꬬH QDԿտerrorHVD:{;{ array typeH ȡȡHx;ȍ<čHD(UUHD%>>HDTHD&"#HDktlt&lower triangularupper triangular4FPHP%Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear,@FPHPL8$$+4 8#R_hLHR0s.<44 F sMM@P rB40KA4  r$ 7K0 ]$ 7K@ 2$ A07ppl@ 2$ 07ook0 W .M0 s P0 U M,@PP4 J uWbh4 2 Y0P@ 2 APWppl@ 2 PWook0  W<S`XY)<4 F0 Y)l(0 70 s.ʭ|HR p'd 4 F J0 W  ͜0 s  "0 U %,@P "$<4 J rG@ P rB4)EA4  rd 0E@ 2d A)0ppl@ 2d )0ook0 ]d 0E0 W 'G0 s J0 U G,@ PJ<N4 J Q\Q4 2 SD@ 2 AJQppl@ 2 JQook0  Q0  dj |H R @q͢P 4 F  qPQ@ P r B4ϚA4  r 8 ֚TK@ 2 8 Aϐppl@ 2 8 Ϛook0 ] 8 ֚4 2  D@ : Appl@ : ook0  "0 p 4|,X @ pt@P@4 F  lL4  2 @ :  Appl@ :  ook0  0@ |h, p @XXL\ (.~7\  @ p X0 0 n)ϲ00:4 F 9|(G4 J ɢLK< 2 :ɎP 0  8ʐ@ 2 @18ppl@ 2 18ookPW01ʐ@HT0 Known Vector. The number of elements in Known Vector must match the dimension size of the input Matrix. If the number of elements in Known Vector does not match the size of Matrix, the VI sets Known Vector to an empty array and returns an error. L :  00/.-L : SY00/.-D.Solution Vector is the solution X to AX = Y. L : 00/.-P;You can wire this output to the Find First Error VI to produce an error cluster. This cluster can then be wired to the Simple Error Handler VI or the General Error Handler VI for an immediate report on any errors. You can also look up error codes in the Error Codes Appendix in the LabVIEW Cross Reference Manual. L : Y_00/.-Matrix must be nonsingular and must be square. If Matrix is singular or is not square, the VI sets Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. ~!X&+'>{FI<D,XH8hB,,d8hB8hdB,X  @,  8`8h B8hB8h 8B, x ,H8h B, , ` p ,0 \ L ,l(8hB8h0B8h$B,d,$Hxh8hB,\,h8hB,L PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHP%Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear Eqs.viXFunlvanlys.*:TriLinEqs_head:E(@P @aClust@xH @dsperrTriLinEqs_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllx @ BDHP x8  , `0D40@p pVvf4 BVv0@p8 @۰44 B߻?vLC0@pļ4 Bhv4D x ,h4Dl 0 L<h h ,L0@pXğUue4 B!vxGTj@D<39 84D  (p(0k(| (8t ( (,L,40k(X ( (80k( (4 (4<8t,L0k(l,p\RT4D,84D8 $Pt @pdT4 2 jú@Pdiv l@0 3 ivT,hT,T(hL : ek00/.-܊oo̴H8|f|e~D!ap x'OT }O<,t 8hB (A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWKJ J 4$RSID0LVSRDBDPWXLIvilCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD CPMp STRG4ICONHDTHP\TRecpCPSTPLIfpdFPHPxDLLPLIbdBDHPHISTFTAB<'*PtxؙP+?cbbfffffffff꺯X ?躯誝?L̈̀ H  8HĠ8H Do H D H H HĠ8HĠ?įHHHį Ϗʀh(Ā̀ b,,, 8̈$ ΢,,,(((h8̈,΢,,,h, Ȁ̀b<(,..̂N$$$, ̈ (̈,΢,,, ( <Ȍb,,̀ H ̈,Σ ΢,,,,,,h 8L,΢,,,,b,..̂ ̢.̢.L.,8  ,, ̈,,̌ ̈,,̀@̈,̌Ȯ?* Ϗ HȈ(̬B̪ʈ,̬B ̀ 433̈̌ ̈̈,ᏈȌȈ̈ Ȉ̌ ,Ƞ* ̀  ( ̈ ̌  h ( ̈ ̈(̈̀̌̌ H  ̀ ̀⪏.  * **(* * < Hʆˆˆ˕ Ȱ RSRC LVINLBVWNI N`D <o.tEu ُ B~hvx@l*4LVIN$Real Compact Cho Linear   @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known Vector@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayP c8 P+ cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf@PP@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArraypP@ dfdPP@ txdPP@ oldPP@ ext4P@@@(  P    P   cP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ Known Vectorx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext4P@@@( c P"@P@flg@oRt@eofudfP@ Solution Vectorx@ dfdP@ txdP@ oldP@ ext P cRP"@P@flg@oRt@eofudf PerrorxdfdPtxdPoldPext4P@@@(  P    P" P@@( c< @@ Known VectorD@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array @@ Compact Array c c c PvPvPvPvP c( c8xhJ^  z@@XdF@@X@xVIDS$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.viXFunlvanlys.*:CholeskyLinEqs_head:E@P@aH@xH @dsperrCholeskyLinEqs_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dll 5i386uۅ~codeh" Ew܅~E\EPPUEd$==Ð)Ӏ}t~ELXC4C,{0t3QRhhhgǁd$ZY==C}XE$EEƅƅ48tQRU'd$ZYɍHƅt hhUEP? Known VectorNm~#m~# H #6$6NDMEM H%FrGr[Dj{wj{wSolution VectorH`,HHHQD2Q3QerrorH(HHYDYjyYjy Compact ArrayYDsAsB Compact ArrayH&);*;NtIRtJR H+KwLwVD,m-m array typeH+ààH,Ì-HD&١7ڡ7HDUUHD&]]HDHDȜȜ7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix4FPHP$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.vi4@FPHPL8,,3t4  2>L~P0  8|HR |h((4 F =LK0 W 0 s K0 U N,@PK|<4 J l$(G@PrB47A4  rt "7@ 2t A"ppl@ 2t "ook0 ]t "70 W 90 s < u0 U 9 x,@P< uDT4 J( CNlL4 2( EsD@ 2( A0 s @ Az0 U @ >},@P @Az84 Jp sHS0P4 2p Jxh@ 2p AAHppl@ 2p AHook0 p Hz4 F +n4 J ġM< 2 +čhLp @ 2 @")ppl@ 2 ")ook0  )ŏPW 8"ŏP@P\$Matrix must be nonsingular and must be square. If Matrix is singular or is not square, the VI sets Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. L :p JP00/.- Known Vector. The number of elements in Known Vector must match the dimension size of the input Matrix. If the number of elements in Known Vector does not match the size of Matrix, the VI sets Known Vector to an empty array and returns an error. L :( EK00/.-D.Solution Vector is the solution X to AX = Y. L : !00/.-L : !00/.-P;You can wire this output to the Find First Error VI to produce an error cluster. This cluster can then be wired to the Simple Error Handler VI or the General Error Handler VI for an immediate report on any errors. You can also look up error codes in the Error Codes Appendix in the LabVIEW Cross Reference Manual. ~ h"XD"xH&'4KI <D, t 8h 8B, @8h @B8h B, 0pP,X8hB8hpB,0l,<t,(hp8hB8h(B,htP 8htB8hB,Hp8hHB8hB,@l D8hB,  < p P ,< PTH0 lvanlys.*BDHP$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.viXFunlvanlys.*:CholeskyLinEqs_head:E@P@aH@xH @dsperrCholeskyLinEqs_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllr@ BDHP8,   0D0@p8BbR4 Bآ8v́0@p 4Vvf44 BVvxG0@p0Pڭ4 Bh^v0@p ,ٿ4 BvLC4Dd ( h ,4D |<,L,p8xdFL @pL L86DfP p4 2x ɝ07l<v~P @l  P07lv~ @lp07lfvn @l8Ԡ4Dl P0 3x ʞTj@D L-8 D DL 0k( ,pl  HP,H 0k @P ʞ8@,hL HP,Llh4Dd   4 0 ,0k L  ,<D ,0k4D   ,L0 4 8P4D h  L :x œ00/.-L0Ԭ 4fp ~8nRn~Dh"x'OTO<, d8hxB (A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWNI N`P 4$RSID0LVSRDBDPWXLIvilCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD CPMp STRG4ICONHDTHP\TRecpCPSTPLIfpdFPHPxDLLPLIbdBDHPHISTFTABܤPthTD8,  4'(dh$l"0!(1,,p ,ܐ x+ @" ' h"<(tX*+pؙT8 x*<'<0(G< 2 *LK@ : @ƺppl@ : ook0  ,< 2<  xP @ 2< @ppl@ 2<  ook0 <  z0XP<N|P, \     PW P, @$0PW  z@8DMatrix must be nonsingular and must be square. If Matrix is singular or is not square, the VI sets Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. L :  00/.-L :  00/.-A. The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k > 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number of rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error. L :x BH00/.-~X@!+#3M]<D, 8h PB, ( XH8h XB8h B,  H , 0 p H8hB8h B, H,0H,8x8hHB8h0B,p$<8hB8hxB, `8hB8hI@P=J<@8|0 3 =J h h,8hXl,p \P  @p 4 F \ `vJHR`T.@Pv \B4<A@ 6  @hhh4 v 0U0 _ 0 W \ @ 6  ggg t 0 w \ 0 U \ . h t0kh |brj8 h <h P,ph0kh0brj h < h <  , h < lX 0kh brj0kh brj h l h l < t 8| 8 hXX hhX80kh brj,P L : 9?00/.-L : 00/.-8}}yzzzXj]jC]lj\jw=w\jW WhzL <<jUU~D@!x i a o<,Lh8hB, (  D8h \B8h B, $ X8hB,8h ( A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWTHt T( 4TRSID$LVSR8BDPWLLIvi`CPTMtDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTDCPMpICON(DTHPL@P@ VIDSReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viXFunlvanlys.*:Cholesky_head:E|@P@aH @dsperr Cholesky_headPTH0M ProgramfilerNational Instruments LabVIEW 6.1resource lvanlys.dllxi386~code0!dEw䧈~E\EPPUEd$=tY=Ð)Ӏ}t:ELXC,LC\C$P}uE$EEƅT48tQRU[d$ZYɍpHHƅlTt hhUEPuād$ ZY@SQRVWmQRLT|׍d$ZYfh,$_^ZY[Ð~QRhPUP6́d$ ZY=ƅt}$u ƅhhUEP8d$ fxƅxPQRhhP$Th˙ād$ZY=PXGXƅx}$u ƅ hhUEP8d$ =ifxn48tQRUuYd$ZY}t}uH}v}+uvQRPE@$G၍d$ZY==t p h搐ÐEw I~E\EPPUEd$=t=t=t=tEw Ew‰ppVLFX@'PUEd$=uÐP1~P1Dث~P1靖~P1~iP1 ~OpM~p @'PUEd$=uÐP 1k~P1~^P1ܬ~$P1~_^ZY[]ÐQRu~d$ZY%Ul$SQRVW}#uQRUnd$ZY_^ZY[]ÐUl$SQRVWt$$|$(~SQRVWPEEXPE EXQRhhuhPED$XhNād$ZY=t%EEPERUQ YZX_^ZY[ÐuP$P$nd$ _^ZY[]ÐUl$SQRVWuo~F~F@N~FDQRhU@\d$ZY_^ZY[]ÐTxN5'W.~M%')@WqCODE0!DMd%6.1Oldest compatible LabVIEW.!h'f'XpPPP @error@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact ArrayPerforms the cross multiplication of two input matrices. If A represents the first input matrix, B the second input, and C the resulting output matrix, the elements of C are determined according to the following equation C[i,j] = Sum{ A[i,l] B[l,j] } for l = 0, 1, 2, ...k-1 where k is the number of columns in A and the number of rows in B j ranges from 0 to (number of columns in B - 1) i ranges from 0 to (number of rows in A - 1). 陀!!A!H J x J+x J H   8 1% I A$I1DTHPD"88~ @errorL@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array(@@ Compact Array @ array typeZJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact ArrayB2P@@ Compact Array@ array type8,@P@aH @dsperr Cholesky_head|Dl|Dl|DDDP QDwxerrorHvwhD$3K3KReal Compact Cholseky FactorYDVg Vg  Compact ArrayYDpӁ1pԁ1 Compact ArrayHHˆˬNqقqڂ⬬ H8)ۚܚVD array typeHp%3&3H&bD[vl[wl Cholesky Compact ArrayYDuu Compact ArrayH%Nvv HˎˬVD array typeHxH巁峳HDޘߘHD']nt]ntHDctctHDYbZb7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix7lower triangularupper triangularsymmetric matrix.FPHPReal Compact Cholesky FX vP4  2X uLK@ :X Alsppl@ :X lsook0 X s0X|, @,@ T4 2L(GtL   @  XL(-~H7<S` U7T 4 F4 Uh 0 74 o20 4 j7<{yy><8|<qyy~8{>?<{yy>{yy><8|<<<<<?<<<<<<<~<<3O<^ Q  |H &  @f@@v@V@fxn@f D  hr ptlxh@ft4~4@f * VIDSInverse Matrix.viVIDSReal Matrix to Compact Array.viPTH0VIDSReal LU Inverse Matrix.viPTH0VIDSReal LU|PTH0VIDS"Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse.viPTH0VIDSReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viPTH0VIDS"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.viPTH0VIDSReal Compact Array to Matrix.viPTH0"o!i386!r~code"Ew$r~E\EPPUEd$== Ð)Ӏ}ELXC4{8t3QRhhh衉ځd$ZY=u C$CC,{0tVW_^}4E$EEƅƅ48tQRUGId$ZYɍ,ƅ(t hhUEPK ƅdpttƅdfxBK ƅhETr~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅhfxF/ ƅlttPxhXPphXƅlfxJ EhxPRhZXQRhhlhځd$ZY= rɍtHHH HHHƅpƅpPdXfxN ƅt\(ETr~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}v`ƅtfxR ƅxtƅxfxV ƅ|ETer~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅ|fxZs ƅtPXPXƅfx^d ƅtƅfxbd ƅET>r~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxfH ƅtPXPXƅfxj9 Ehx2PRZXQRhhhPځd$ZY=ɍHHH HHHƅƅPXfxn ƅ|HETr~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxr ƅtƅfxv ƅETr~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxz ƅtP XPXƅfx~} ƅtƅfz ƅETr~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}v=ƅf[ ƅtPXPXƅfI EhxPRZXQRhhh}ځd$ZY=ƅ,}$u ƅhhUEP8d$ }$u ƅ hhUEP8d$ =fx  48tQRU!=d$ZY}t}uH}v}+uvQRPE@$A+d$ZY==t p h搐ÐEw r~E\EPPUEd$=t=t=t=tEw Ew‰ppVLFX@'PUEd$=uÐPE (r~PE (,r~PE 2Cr~PE 2Zr~iPE 2tr~OPE 2r~5PE r~r~Ðx&mr~Ðx&Wr~Ðx&A r~Ðx&g+p-r~p @'PUEd$=uÐPE Kr~PE r~^PE r~$PE r~PE  0r~P_E  jr~vP E   Pr~Inverse Matrix, if it exists, of the Input Matrix. PTH0 gmath.chmInverse_Matrix.html5AAA`  / */  `  pDTHPD&88 h o~h  @error, @@ Input Matrix2"@@ Inverse Matrix^N@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type(@@ Matrix AL@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Arrayt @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array@@ Matrix A @errorZJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact Array @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact Array @error@ matrix type(  @error@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array@ matrix type@@ Matrix ATH@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeInverse Compact Array @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayH@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeInverse Compact Array @errorL@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Inverse ArrayXL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array L@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Inverse Array @error @signD8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info @@ A|p" @@ A8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info @sign @errorr 8@P@@ LU@@PivotLU Info"@@ Inverse Matrix @error! |DDtttDDDDT,0T0<\DDTDXDXXDXXDXXDXXDXXDXXXDXDX ZD$@iX@jXInverse MatrixXDr=r> Input MatrixH`,&9'9NuGPuHP HIuJuH&9'9ZDs߄6s6Inverse MatrixHpʯݞ˯ݬHh%ʜ݋˜ݬNvv H!QDerrorH WD'o(o matrix typeHځڂ돳H '{({HDՑHD(pՁ,pց, HDHHD'TeTe YE^o^ k .."General" HD"HDl"HD]DpnpmReal LU Factor.vieDq1q3Real LU Inverse Matrix.vikDs\!s^ Real Compact Array to Matrix.vinDs8s:"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.vikDrrReal Matrix to Compact Array.vikDssReal Compact Cholesky Factor.vikDnLnNReal Compact Array to Matrix.vikDm~m~Real Matrix to Compact Array.vinDn#n%"Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse.vikDqSqUReal Compact Array to Matrix.vikDl}l}Real Matrix to Compact Array.vinDo)o+"Real Compact Tri-Matrix DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular FPHPInverse|@FPHPL8tt{4  h?hYhLHRqL$4 F q<M@P rB4: A4  r$ %:0 ]$ %:@ 2$ A%ppl@ 2$ %ook0 W <0 s ?x0 U <{,0 h |@P?x`L$4 J$ tFQh4 2$ Hv0P@ 2$ A?Fppl@ 2$ ?Fook0 $ Fx@PrB4: A4 r| %:(@ 2| A%ppl@ 2| %ook0 ]| %:HR Lr7pT <4 F rޅ7@PrB4°A4 r ɰG@ 2 A¦ppl@ 2 °ook0 ] ɰ@ PrB4(A4  r@ ɝ@ 2@ A“ppl@ 2@ ook0 ]@ ɝ0 W 0 s 0 U ,@ PxP4 J uQ4 2 D@ : Aܖppl@ : ܢook0  0  h |  |@ P ÿ@4 F  Q4  2 TK@ :  Aظppl@ :  ook0  ؿ0 h |h, LtXL <~ 70 h |@, L \   L  4 F &pD4 J ـlL< 2 &|h@ 2 @$ppl@ 2 $ook0  $~PW ~ @8"matrix type is the type of Input Matrix. Knowing the type of Input Matrix can speed up the computation of the determinant and can help you to avoid unnecessary computation, which could introduce numerical inaccuracy. matrix type has four possible options.\GInverse Matrix is the inverse matrix of the Input Matrix.L :  00/.-L :$ HN00/.-8hBL : 00/.-T@error returns any error or warning condition from the VI.,d,|$HxH\GInverse Matrix is the inverse matrix of the Input Matrix.8h$B,0p88h|B,@d8h@BInput Matrix must be nonsingular and must have as many rows as columns. If Input Matrix is singular or is not square, the VI sets Inverse Matrix to an empty array and returns an error.~ hX&']*U<DInput Matrix must be nonsingular and must have as many rows as columns. If Input Matrix is singular or is not square, the VI sets Inverse Matrix to an empty array and returns an error.8h$B,d L(8hB,\T8hB,48hB, @  H8hB,x\, 4 h  8h B  BDHPInverse Matrix.viLVINReal LU Inverse Matrix.viXPTH0LVINReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viaPTH0LVINReal Matrix to Compact^f,mPTH0LVIN"Real Compact Cho Inverse\PTH0LVINReal Compact Array to Matrix.viZtcjPTH0LVIN"Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse.vihp|PTH0LVINReal LU Factor.viUPTH0s, @BDHPr8s$s$s+, 0D0@plؠ~4 Bv(G0@p L Ւ44 BoԂ-vLK0@p չ4 BhvP,h@,2@h$0@p @hxpp4 B@Sfv́4D R4.14dWS <$12P 4]p , 2W\W00d,, 2^h[00x0.2 |gsm B@ B@ @@2@0-2 l݋ B B @@2l(*X4\d<  0-2 K4dY40 Bt ,L  B.LX,lX @@2, ,t22(4DP 0-2 L,l4dY|64  BP BXP @@2P ,P4fA\&4@' , 2ehe,0 0 B  D, L  B  , X $ B P , D , \ L \ B @,Ll \ 4jB"4hhGP4hG4hFl @P j@4 2 x J0 3 x ,  H x \ @    \, 2ll$0 | d,d | B  B H $ B 4P D, 4 $ D B @4 |oN,P+!`"4 |m0MP- @ xT4, 4@PTrL@4 2 0U0 3 4 |r0I.4DP0 4DO@h4dWT8P4^L>P4e?X  4 |p`Q (4 |mHp24 ||J$3" $4cx=  )*X*4a\@P )t-) 4^94d4 1 4/  &+@4 |mlL( 14^>P,4eEP!4kdDh % .L@ 40tq -& p24/ 5Y$ D$40M%0*4 |p$N)@PPZHD@4 2 xG0 3 ,|E  @P4a; $ Tf40LN% 4/6V  `40`OFSL `T^ %@,/ko40`[N[T %nd40\@NGt #@40 0]@NG 8 dq40 ^@NG D4/ | [{Y !`  $\! 40 !L_kvp  %@!40 !`akf!`4/ |!x """#T !H"<"40!"pa" !%@"40!"bz" !$\# 40!#@cz" !#tl40!#dz#T4 |K|!,4/$$%Y$<%t #+($$<4 |$J!0 "L H8%%@$\#4 x40#%,e $<4 | L/ #-,%_40#%f %t &d' ''4 |oIx*4/%ܺ&F &0,H&&d40&0' g6C<40r /p+x,&d &0-,'@_40&0'th(6/' &0+('$<40&0'i(6/' &0(c$40&0(Dj(6/'4/(CcY() (X+((40(X(kS^X( (X,H),&d40(X)`lISN) 4/̿`40)t)mp}v )t,H*&d40)t*Dnbpi) )t+*x(40)t*obpi*X )t@*^,40)t+pbpi*4+\ %m%n0nd4%3mn=~%n %m nn4%3mo <%o4 %mxno44%3mo*~%o %moT%ndt%p@qpq%np@%p@%4o4 %p| pn% oD%1 |op(H;!4% Kp|n(4&3p|p:(804&3p|q\98H@&qp &p|q(n4&3p|q88H@&q &p|8qq8&hB&q D,&3q&kl0l&~D'T- 6< (A( / 6 = ?w[TahomaTahomaTahoma00RSRC LVINLBVWf 挾 4TRSIDHLVSR\BDPWpLIviCPTMDSTMDFDSLIdsVICDversDLDRFPTD$CPMp8VITSLSTRG`HLPPtHLPTICONDTHPTRec#CPSTLIfpFPHPLIbdBDHPHISTFTAB TPp ttȤ ( 0ȓ<Ԛ<@h<`T= =0=|!=D=ܐ>h>xIIhI J Jd"JJT K\ K K LH LtLtM8MM$N,<NxNĴO O\8O4PPTxPQpQpQRT0 RĘ !S4"S#T$T%T&Uh)U܀V VDopq\L%DInverse Matrix.viryZZ?kv]纯E=ڕ*몪j+뻯ᄒ뻯ᄒjꪯ꫻ꫪ**꺯+꺯+꺯*૪:,Ȍ H 00Ľ ČȞ Ȍ̈ ;;;;;;;33;;333333333;3;3;3333;3;3;2333;3##3! <{~<9<|x8<=x??qx{yy~8{>?yy>?ql<{yy>||{yy.q) R^ c  H dpx\  @,@@@@,@,@ @,@h|2<@D@,8@,d@lv@,b@,l@RL\j@,HVIDSSolve Linear Equations.viVIDS!Solve General Linear Equations.viPTH0VIDSReal Matrix to Compact Array.viPTH0VIDS%Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear Eqs.viPTH0VIDSReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viPTH0VIDS$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.viPTH0|Ii386 ֈ~code*hEwDֈ~E\EPPUEd$== Ð)Ӏ}ELXC4{8t3QRhhhmād$ZY= CC<C,{0tVW_^}4E$EEƅƅƅ48tQRU -d$ZYɍlƅht hhUEPƅET܈~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxBƅtPXPXƅfxFEhxPRZXɍHHH ƅƅPlXfxJƅXET݈~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxNaƅtƅfxRaƅ<ETcވ~E\EP.UR@␐}vt}vƅfxV9ƅtPXPXƅfxZ*Ehx!PRZXƅl}$u ƅdhhUEP8d$ }$u ƅ hhUEP8d$ =ifx 48tQRU$d$ZY}t}uH}v}+uvQRPE@$၍d$ZY==t p h搐ÐEw ߈~E\EPPUEd$=t=t=t=tEw Ew‰ppVLFX@'PUEd$=uÐPW xG~PW x^~PW u~PW $~iPW ~O~Ðx&~Ðx&~Ðx&6u ~Ðx&_p+~p @'PUEd$=uÐPW I~P'W  ~^PW ~$P8W  ~PW  .~PW h~vP*W  ~ W ~_^ZY[]Ð=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP*~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PPc~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$=t,PEP$PP~$$@ $Ðd$.Ul$SQRVWT$ QRPE@$R၍d$ZY=_^ZY[]ÐDž$t@ $<Dž@DDžHDžXDž`Dž,Dž0Dž4PTAB( Džt@ DžDžDžDžDžDžDžPTABDžt@ DžDžDžDžDžDžPTABDžLt@ LDdDžhDžx|DžDžTDžX Dž\PTABPHDžt@ DžDž 4$Dž(Dž0DžDžDž PTABDžt@ DžDžDžDžDžDžPTABDž\t@ \tDžxL|DžDžDžDždDžhDžlPTAB`XDžt@ ,Dž0Dž@LDDžHDžDž Dž$PTABQRu贡d$ZY(Ul$SQRVW}#uQRU.d$ZY_^ZY[]ÐUl$SQRVWu~F 9~Fwֈ~F@i~FDQRhUd$ZY_^ZY[]ÐXM }  2 ֈ~7Z  Iky '  a ? 1W_go%PUx& 8 O f } C|'`CODE*DpDh%6.1Oldest compatible LabVIEW.0lf pPPP@@ Known Vector @error@@ Solution Vector @@ Input MatrixN@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type NOldTag<<@0file name stringSolve Linear Equations%!Solves a real linear system AX=Y. PTH0 gmath.chmSolve_Linear_Equations.htmlIIz1I@I@`٠ `ـAሀAADTHPD'88~|  @error, @@ Input Matrix(@@ Known Vector.@@ Solution Vector^N@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type(@@ Matrix A@ matrix typeL@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayXL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact Array(   @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known VectorL@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeTriangular Compact ArrayZJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact Array @@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact ArrayJ@P@@ Compact Array@ array typeCholesky Compact Array @error(  @error@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array@ matrix type@@ Matrix Az8  @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known Vector @@ Input Matrix(   @error@@ Solution Vector@@ Known Vector@@P@@ Compact Array@ array type Compact Array!\DDlll88DHDDlHHDl88HD4lDH88ll8ll8ll8ll8l XDqȤr Known VectorHYlZlNz{ H|Ϩ}ϨQDerrorH((bD$2Ji2JiSolve Linear Equations[D\m}\ m}Solution VectorHt'ttN_ p)_!p) Hw"Nw#NWDVW matrix typeHHVWXDWqhWrh Input MatrixH&Zm[mHnZmn[mNZVk_ZWk_ H,q}q~HD '~(~HD&NmOmaEk| kx  "Positive Definite" HDППHD+)*HD|i;ziSolution Vector is the solution X to AX=Y where A is the Input Matrix and Y is the Known Vector.uSolution Vector is the solution X to AX=Y where A is the Input Matrix and Y is the Known Vector.L : {Ё00/.-L :,  00/.-T@error returns any error or warning condition from the VI.8hXB,xH@,(XL :  }!'00/.-L : w|00/.-8"matrix type is the type of Input Matrix. Knowing the type of Input Matrix can speed up the computation of the determinant and can help you to avoid unnecessary computation, which could introduce numerical inaccuracy. matrix type has four possible options.8hB,H|8hB8h,BXAInput Matrix is a square or rectangular, real matrix. The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k > 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number or rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error.XAInput Matrix is a square or rectangular, real matrix. The number of columns in A must match the number of rows in B and must be greater than zero: k > 0. If the number of columns in A does not match the number or rows in B, the VI sets AxB to an empty array and returns an error.H3Known Vector The number of elements in the Known Vector must be equal to the rows of the Input Matrix. If the number of elements in the Known Vector does not match the rows of the Input Matrix, the VI sets the Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error., @ p ,\ ,,l@T8hB8h B,  D x p 8hB, 0Tx8hTB8h B,p$8hB,H|0,,H8h0B, `  D  8hB~\*0p)'';O_E<DH3Known Vector The number of elements in the Known Vector must be equal to the rows of the Input Matrix. If the number of elements in the Known Vector does not match the rows of the Input Matrix, the VI sets the Solution Vector to an empty array and returns an error. BDHPSolve Linear Equations.viLVINReal Compact Cholesky Factor.viIPTH0LVINReal Matrix to Compact Array.viF8MSPTH0LVIN$Real Compact Cho Linear Equations.viCPTH0LVIN%Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear Eqs.viKPPTH0LVIN!Solve General Linear 8W@W@WG, < ( 0Dh0@pBbR4 B& v0@p*J:44 BMnv, ( @ <$1$P 4j}  , $AA 0, $E8F0L 0.$ ~ B ( Bx ( @@$  (4C($ 0-$ d4D0>  BPl Bxl @@$l0-$ B8L BxPL ,| B  h, 4LH-  4U6L4LE1<  4D>0-$  4B'x  B  BxH  @@$ 4LE/8 4LEt(4P5 4Md3  4M42 @PҡP@4 2 ѠX0 3 ҡ, d, $LL"| 0l B l, Dx B  D ,  B  (, $p$40,L @@$ 4 h0@p 4 ((H8 4 B (v0@p ({:ZJ X4 B (h:{vE,l hL4D ;h (, LP84D 0=l 0-$   B L h Bx h, ,   4B&  @@$L  ,  40@p l IiY4 B 1~v B LL , D L ,|L 4D < 4LF/Pl`4L|),4/Y !\P4LH.P@P׊C\1@4 28 ؋LC0 38 ׊,x28h @xh, ( $4LH, 4/Y l!4M4P, $SR$0 BHl BHD  BH| h BH4L ,x$x BH (46( @Hhx,H@lx@PҡVhA@4 2 Ѡ0 3 ҡ4Sp:` '"H4S9  4S9P$4V< "4U; !4S48&4B`& |p4/LT Yl  @l40 El  E40 (F4/Lp ` <@40<G Έ <E40<LH  <@l40<I` <tJ40<J4/LdY| 0|400K | 0@4008L 4/L p LH40LM L@(40L\N  L|40LOp LB40L,P4L,-4!4LJ)L Ht@@hP4LHx* 40Q !M4L+0!40R  H 4Lt+4/   DHR\T40S !hM40T  !\40U  $K40 XV  $$ l l4L240 \ $t!(S40![ 4!4H!! 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The labs in SYSLAB can be downloaded from, and can be used freely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000, Finn Haugen, Telemark University College, Norway,   < s͢3#a## ##p#adirLVINsvιsvqA x B.viLVINsvιsvq A x Vector.viLVINsv̹svqReal LU Factor.viLVINsv̹svq"Real Compact Tri-Matrix Inverse.viLVINsv̹svqReal Compact Array to Matrix.viLVINsvιsvq"Real Compact Cho Inverse Matrix.viLVINsvιsvqReal LU Inverse Matrix.viLVINsvιsvq!Solve General Linear LVINsvιsvq%Real Compact Tri-Matrix Linear LVINsvιsvq$Real Compact Cho Linear LVINsvιsvqReal Matrix to Compact LVINsvιsvqReal Compact Cholesky LVINsvιsvqInverse Matrix.viLVINsvιsvqSolve Linear Equations.viLVINsvsd ls_intro.vioؿ]Z??V?k *睊jᄒ뻪ꪩj*ᄒ뻪睊j*뻯ᄒꪪ뻯ᄒ+*꿺+*** :ꨢ*ꨢ*ꨢȌȌ 00800000000:pF\f`gFdfQffFeF`fQf$fFeFbfQf$fFٙٙ<#<?28?? 1?b 3DD@1LDD3DDD31LDD?3DD@D3 @?3@D3 @3'?}'?O^<_?yxyxyy'yӟgxyO||yy?><<<<p???𨪪?888888h888(xzO    8 <   9OECHHHHEH9O  +>胀??]ZZ:Z HLLĽHHxdH ?` H`H 8`H 8H@HH 8 `  `xH ?? 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The labs in SYSLAB can be downloaded from, and can be used freely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000, Finn Haugen, Telemark University College, Norway, HiQ-Script hiqscript.dll   < s͢3#a## ##p#DTHPD88~"@ @  @!stop@ h@n!*@millisecond multiple(@millisecond timer value $@@ @ Numericy @ Numeric.@@ @ NumericPhi>.@@ @ Numerictheta_est_Solve_Lin_Eq @error.@@ Solution Vector^N@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type(@@ Known Vector, @@ Input MatrixЃ8   @error@@ Solution VectorN@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type@@ Known Vector @@ Input Matrix F6@P @!status @code@0sourceerror IO(@@ theta_est_hiq, @@ theta_est_linalg*O @ Numeric*@@ A x Vector&@@ Vector @@ An^(  @error@@ A x Vector@@ Vector@@ A$@@ A x B @@ BjZ(  @error@@ A x B@@ B@@ A2"@@ Inverse Matrix( @error"@@ Inverse MatrixN@GeneralPositive DefiniteLower TriangularUpper Triangular matrix type @@ Input Matrix,G4HH4\l\\|\4((TT0XTdTd($Lp p@X$LpPD-I.IstopH$0"3"^4"^d H F MINSTE KVADRATERS METODEkD' 3' 3Finn Haugen, TechTeach, juli-02MD]e^ehHacM?Q?QyHYj YjOAnSAoSPhiH+[Vlh[XlgSKKNumericH8"N$MbGAYGBYtheta_est_Solve_Lin_EqH)a)r;a+r:SQE_rQF_rNumericHp%eIvueKvtSNumericH!©ĩHlyVhyXgYCD  theta_est_hiqH!+=-(.9=\D"E"theta_est_linalgH@!,L=x,N=wNH&QI&Q HD HD - -MD>L">L"nHDDO`!O`!HD!t t HD XOa>YOaySTOPPSTOPSTOPPSTOPFPHPȉ8+P+P+WXL*8+ .~ۜ7,  4O,5e0D4 O,J<  r2#_`! ,5e,5e,5e,5e,5e4 D!I 4 D& 4(I(Stops the program.~D$|Qf+)UpiAMO<8hB,,``@P hQ,||,lt|4 F \f,M0  \d4  2 `8Ip 6 0Q ]cQ ]cQ ]c8hBXR p 2  Q]b Q]b Q]bL : `f0u0/.-0D4:| |HR@mhHR >W|||,  <, H (  H4 F >R4 r H Xk @ PzB4QoA0 w H Tod |p 2 H _mb_m󼼼b_m󖖖b8 h HB l tTi |p 2 H 0Q_cQ_󼼼cQ_󖖖c0 _ Qq0 s XS | | | |0 D   | , <,0 U TWd8 hB X Th, p P | |,  \X  | |4 F @mT4 r ZUmi@ PzB4SDqm A0 w VQqmd@ PS | | | |,  T4 J LO0  Sd4 2 !Op 2 0ccc8hBh|R |p 2 bbbL : !'0u0/.-|||||||,`,T|||HRPF@ |4 F F@Z4 rp `(s<N@PzB4Yw@ A8hpB` tTi0 wp \$w@d|p 2p gu%bgu%bgu%bp 2p 0Yg%cYg%cYg%c0 _ YyC|(0 U \@~d8hB @ Th0 s `Dz,Hx,4 J| PD`sL4 2| dHwvQ@P`D{zp :| k9wEbk9wEbk9wEbL :| dHwN0u0/.-p :| 0_9kEc_9kEc_9kEc0 | `D{zd8h|BT0R 0D$8h B Tip 2  aDoRbaDoRbaDoRb0 _ SBpp 2  0SDaRcSDaRcSDaRc0 U Vmd8hBTh0 s Zq4 J ,L4 2 TOL : 0u0/.-@PВXDp 2 bbb0  d8hBDR p 2 0ccc0D<d@PzB4qDm4A||,`44 r xUiP0 w tQmdp 2 DRbDRbDRbp 2 0qDRcqDRcqDRc|, ( (08hB  TiHR#B,!T,L |4 F B4 r *>@PzB4Bd)Ap 2  'b'b'b8hBTh, !(!Xp 2  0'c'c'c0 w &Bd8h BTi0 _ E0 s F|0 U Bd4 J! 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