# %% Import of packages: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # %% Definition of objective function: def fun_calc_objfun(params, S_init, S_obs_array, u_array, N, dt): (K, T, L) = params S_pred_k = S_init pe_array = np.zeros(N) for k in range(0, N): # Simulation algorithm (Euler step): dS_sim_dt_k = (1/T)*(-S_pred_k+K*(u_array[k]+L)) S_pred_kp1 = S_pred_k + dt*dS_sim_dt_k # Updating prediction error (pe): pe_array[k] = S_obs_array[k] - S_pred_k # Time shift: S_pred_k = S_pred_kp1 sspe = sum(pe_array*pe_array) return sspe # %% Definition of simulation function: def fun_sim(params, S_init, u_array, N, dt): (K, T, L) = params S_sim_k = S_init S_sim_array = np.zeros(N) for k in range(0, N): # Simulation algorithm (Euler step): dS_sim_dt_k = (1/T)*(-S_sim_k+K*(u_array[k] + L)) S_sim_kp1 = S_sim_k + dt*dS_sim_dt_k S_sim_array[k] = S_sim_k S_sim_k = S_sim_kp1 # Time shift return S_sim_array # %% Time settings: t_start = 0 # [s] t_stop = 7 dt = 0.02 N = int(((t_stop - t_start)/dt)) + 1 t_array = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, N) # %% Create input signal: u_array = np.zeros(N) for k in range(N): t_k = k*dt if t_start <= t_k < 1: u_array[k] = 0 elif 1 <= t_k < 3: u_array[k] = 1 elif 3 <= t_k < 5: u_array[k] = -1 else: u_array[k] = 0 # %% Creating simulated observation data: K_true = 0.15 T_true = 0.3 L_true = -0.5 params = (K_true, T_true, L_true) S_init = 0 S_sim_array = fun_sim(params, S_init, u_array, N, dt) S_obs_array = S_sim_array # %% Arrays of candidates of estimated param values: N_params = 21 K_array = np.linspace(0.05, 0.55, N_params) T_array = np.linspace(0.1, 1.1, N_params) L_array = np.linspace(-1, 1, N_params) # %% For loop implementing estimation with grid optim: sspe_optim = np.inf # Initialization of sspe for K in K_array: for T in T_array: for L in L_array: params = (K, T, L) # Candidates K, T, L #Calculating objective function (sspe): sspe = fun_calc_objfun(params, S_init, S_obs_array, u_array, N, dt) #Improving the previous optim solution: if sspe <= sspe_optim: sspe_optim = sspe K_optim = K T_optim = T L_optim = L # %% Displaying the optimal solution = param estimates: print('K_true =', f'{K_true:.4f}') print('T_true =', f'{T_true:.4f}') print('L_true =', f'{L_true:.4f}') print('K_optim =', f'{K_optim:.4f}') print('T_optim =', f'{T_optim:.4f}') print('L_optim =', f'{L_optim:.4f}') print('sspe_optim =', f'{sspe_optim:.4f}') # %% Plotting: plt.close("all") plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 9)) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(t_array, S_obs_array, 'b', label='S_sim') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('t [s]') plt.ylabel('[krpm]') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(t_array, u_array, 'g', label='u') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('t [s]') plt.ylabel('[V]') plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(t_array, 0*t_array+L_true, 'r', label='L_true') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('t [s]') plt.ylabel('[V]') # plt.savefig('plot_grid_K_T_L_dcmotor_simdata.pdf') plt.show()