import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Model parameters: Tf = 1.0 # [s] # %% Simulation time settings: dt = 0.01 # [s] t_start = 0 # [s] t_stop = 5 # [s] N_sim = int((t_stop - t_start)/dt) + 1 # Num time-steps # %% Preallocation of arrays for plotting: t_array = np.zeros(N_sim) y_i_array = np.zeros(N_sim) y_u_array = np.zeros(N_sim) # %% Params of input signals: t0 = 2.0 # [s] Y_i_0 = 0 Y_i_1 = 1 # %% Initialization: y_u_init = 0.5 # %% Preallocation of array for time-delay: Nf = int(round(Tf/dt)) + 1 delay_array = np.zeros(Nf) + y_u_init # %% Simulation loop: for k in range(0, N_sim): t_k = k*dt # Selecting inputs: if (t_k >= t_start and t_k < t0): y_i_k = Y_i_0 elif (t_k >= t0): y_i_k = Y_i_1 # Moving array elements one step: y_u_k = delay_array[-1] delay_array[1:] = delay_array[0:-1] delay_array[0] = y_i_k # Arrays for plotting: t_array[k] = t_k y_i_array[k] = y_i_k y_u_array[k] = y_u_k # %% Plotting: plt.close('all') plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 9)) plt.plot(t_array, y_i_array, 'r', label='Input y_i') plt.plot(t_array, y_u_array, 'b', label='Output y_u') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('t [s]') # plt.savefig('plot_sim_tidsforsinkelse.pdf')