Introduction to
LabVIEW Control Design Toolkit
Finn Haugen
1. March 2008
1 Preface
2 The contents of the Control Design Palette
3 Creating models. Simulation.
3.1 Creating
s-transfer functions. Simulation. Frequency response
3.2 Creating
discrete-time (z-)transfer functions
3.3 Creating
continuous-time state-space models
3.4 Creating
discrete-time state-space models
3.5 Standard
transfer functions
3.6 PID
3.7 Writing
models to file. Reading models from file
3.8 Getting
information about a model
3.9 Converting
Control Design models to/from Simulation Module models
4 Connecting models
4.1 Series
4.2 Feedback
5 Calculating transfer
functions from state-space models
6 Discretizing continuous-time models
7 An application: Control
system analysis and simulation
1 Preface
This document gives an introduction to the Control Design Toolkit for LabVIEW
8.5. It is assumed that you have basic knowledge about
The introduction is based on simple examples - all downloadable via hyperlinks.
Only the basic functions are demonstrated. You can search for a function
via the Help menu in LabVIEW or just browse for it on the Control Design palette
in the Functions palette in LabVIEW. Chapter 2 of this document list all
functions available in the Control Design Toolkit.
Note that many of the functions on the Control Design Palette have similar
functions in MathScript (once the Control Design toolkit is installed). The
Control Design class of functions in MathScript are shown at the end of
Introduction to MathScript.
Each function has several input parameters or arguments. You should always
use Help (via right-clicking on the function block) to get information about
these parameters before you use the function in your program.
The Control Design Toolkit was initially launched in Spring 2004. It expands
LabVIEW's capabilities for control system and dynamic system analysis and design
considerably. The set of functions available is comparable with the Control
System Toolbox in Matlab and the similar control system function category in
Included in Control Design Toolkit is the Control Design Assistant, which is an
interactive tool which can be used independent of LabVIEW, and without LabVIEW programming
(you can however create LabVIEW code from your Control Design Assistant project). The Control Design Assistant is
available from the Start / Programs / National Instruments meny on your PC and
from the Tools / Control Design Toolkit in LabVIEW.
The VIs in the examples does not contain any while loops. Consequently, the
VIs run just once. If you want a VI to run continuously with a well-defined time
step between each while loop execution, possibly while you are adjusting some
parameters, you can place the block diagram code in while loop.
If you have comments or suggestions for this document please send them via
e-mail to
In the text, CDT will be used as an abbreviation for Control Design Toolkit.
2 The contents of the Control Design Palette
Once the Control Design Toolkit is installed, the Control Design palette is
available from the Functions palette. The Control Design palette is shown in the
figure below.
The Control Design palette
Below is a list of what I assume are the most useful functions on the Control
Design palette.
- Model Construction palette:
- Construct State-Space Model
- Construct Transfer Function Model
- Construct Special Model:
- First order with (or without) time delay
- Second order with (or without) time delay
- Delay Pade Approximation
- Draw Transfer Function Equation (for displaying the transfer
function nicely on the screen, as writing it on paper)
- Read Model From File
- Write Model From File
- Model Information palette
- Model Conversion palette:
- Convert to State-Space Model
- Convert to Transfer Function Model
- Convert Delay with Pade Approximation
- Convert Continuous to Discrete (with various methods, e.g. Euler,
Tustin, zero order hold)
- Convert Discrete to Continuous
- Convert Control Design to Simulation (converting models used in
Control Design Tookit for use in Simulation Module)
- Convert Simulation to Control Design (converting models used in
Simulation Module for use in Control Design Tookit)
- Model Interconnection palette:
- Serial
- Parallell
- Feedback
- Time Response palette:
- Step Response (step input)
- Initial Response (response from initial state, with zero input)
- Frequency Response palette:
- Bode (calculating frequency response data and plotting the data in
a Bode diagram)
- Nyquist
- Nichols
- Gain and Phase Margin
- Bandwidth
- Dynamic Characteristics palette:
- Pole-Zero Map
- Damping Ratio and Natural Frequency
- Model Reduction palette
- State Space Model Analysis palette:
- Controllability Matrix
- Observability Matrix
- State Feedback Design palette:
- Ackermann
- Linear Quadratic Regulator
- Kalman Gain
- Implementation palette (functions here converts the model
into a function to be used in a block diagram, e.g. converting a
discrete-time transfer function model into a function that actually
implements the input-output relation that the model represents)
- Analytical PID Design (for calculating PID settings so that
stability is guaranteed for a process with a given variation of
- Predictive Control (for designing and implementing
model-based predictive controllers (MPCs))
- Solvers (Riccatti and Lyapunov solvers)
3 Creating models. Simulation. Analysis
3.1 Creating s-transfer functions. Simulation. Frequency
The Model Construction palette contains several functions for creating
models. The resulting model is represented as a cluster. This cluster can be
used as input argument to other functions, e.g. for simulation, frequency
response analysis, etc.
On the Model Construction palette there are also functions for
displaying the transfer function nicely on the front panel.
Once the model is created, you can simulate it using functions on the Time Response
palette, and you can perform analysis, for example frequency response analysis
using functions on the Frequency Response
palette. Note that these simulation and analysis functions can be used on both
continuous-time models and discrete-time models.
Example 3.1.1: Creating an s-transfer function.
Simulation. Frequency response
The VI shown below implements the following:
- The
Construct Transfer Function Model function (CD means Control Design) (on
the Model Construction palette) defines a
transfer function.
- The CD Draw Transfer Function function
(on the Model Construction palette) displays the
transfer function nicely in on the front panel (using a picture indicator which
can be created by right-clicking on the Equation output of the function).
- The CD Step Response function (on the Time Response
palette) simulated the step response, assuming the input step has amplitude 1.
- The CD Bode function (on the Frequency Response
palette) plots the frequency response in a Bode plot.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
Note: If the time delay is zero, the Delay input argument of the
Construct Transfer Function Model function can be unwired since the
default value of the time delay is zero.
Also note: The CD Construct Transfer Function Model function has an input
parameter called Sampling Time. When creating continuous-time models this input
must be either unwired (as in Example 3.1) or wired with value zero. If a
non-zero sampling time is connected, a discrete-time transfer function will be
created (with the numerator and denominator coefficients as defined in the
Numerator and Denominator arrays). Cf. Section 3.2.
3.2 Creating
discrete-time (z-)transfer functions
Example 3.2.1: Creating a discrete-time (z-)transfer
The VI shown below creates the following transfer function:
H(z) = z-5 0.4/(-0.6+z) = z-5 0.4z0/(-0.6z0+1z1)
with sampling time 0.1s. The factor z-5 represents a
time delay of integer 5 samples (or time steps), not 5 seconds. (For the
present transfer function, the time delay in seconds is 0.1*5 = 0.5s.)
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
3.3 Creating
continuous-time state-space models
Example 3.3.1: Creating a continuous-time state-space
The VI shown below creates the following continuous-time state-space model
using the CD Construct State-Space Model function:
In the VI the matrices are represented by arrays. For all models
(no matter the order or dimension of the system) these arrays are 2-dimensional arrays.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
Note: The CD Construct State-Space Model function has an input
parameter called Sampling Time. When creating continuous-time models this input
must be either unwired (as in Example 3.3) or wired with value zero. If a
non-zero sampling time is connected, a discrete-time state-space model will be
created (with the system matrices as defined by the 2-dimensional arrays A, B,
C, and D).
3.4 Creating
discrete-time state-space models
Example 3.4.1: Creating a discrete-time state-space
The VI shown below creates the following discrete-time state-space model
using the CD Construct State-Space Model function:
x(k+1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k)
y(k) = Cx(k) + Du(k)
where the system matrices A, B, C, and D are as shown in the
figure below. In the VI the matrices are represented by arrays. Note that the
matrices are technically 2x2 matrices (arrays), although there may be only one row and/or
column in the matrix.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
3.5 Standard transfer functions
Several standard transfer functions are available:
- First order with (or without) time delay
- Second order with (or without) time delay
- Delay Pade Approximation
Example 3.5.1: First order system with time delay
The VI below creates a first order transfer function with gain 2, time
constant 3 seconds and time delay 4 seconds.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
3.6 PID
Several verions of PID controls are available as transfer functions:
- PID Academic:
PID Parallel:
PID Serial:
Example 3.6.1: PID controller
The VI shown below shows how to create and display an
PID Academic controller
(which is a standard parallel PID controller). (The derivative time is set to
zero, so the controller is actually a PI controller.)
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
3.7 Writing models to file. Reading models from file
Models can be written to a file, and later read from that file, using the
Write Model to File and CD Read Model from File functions, respectively.
Example 3.7.1: Writing a transfer function model to a
The VI shown below shows how to write a transfer function model to a file.
Front panel and block diagram of
When the CD Write Model to File function is executed the
usual Save File dialog window appears. (If you have wired a file path to the
File Path input of the function, this dialog window is not opened.) You can give
the file any name (the file extension does not matter).
End of Example
A model can be read from a model file using the CD Read Model from File
Example 3.7.2: Reading a transfer function model from
a file
The VI shown below shows how to read a transfer function model from a file.
(The model is the same as in Example 3.7.1.)
Front panel and block diagram of
When the CD Read Model from File function is executed a File
dialog window appears. (If you have wired a file path to the File Path input of
the function, this dialog window is not opened.)
End of Example
3.8 Getting information about a model
You can get various information about a model by using functions on the
Create Model / Model Information subpalette.
Example 3.8.1: Getting the numerator and denominator
coeffiecient arrays of a transfer function model
The VI shown below shows how to get the numerator and denominator
coeffiecient arrays of a transfer function model using the
CD Get Data from
Model function.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
3.9 Converting Control Design models to/from Simulation
Module models
You can use models created in Control Design Toolkit in a Simulation diagram
in the
Simulation Module. However, it is then necessary to first convert the model
by using the CD Convert Control Design to Simulation function.
Example 3.9.1: Converting a Control Design Toolkit
model to a Simulation Module model
The VI shown below shows how to convert a transfer function model.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
4 Connecting models
The Model Interconnection palette contains several functions for connecting
models. Series connection and a feedback connection of transfer functions are
described in the following.
4.1 Series connection
Example 4.1.1: Series connection of transfer function
The VI shown below shows how to get the resulting transfer function of two
transfer functions connected in series using the CD
Series function.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
4.2 Feedback connection
In models of feedback control systems, transfer functions are connected in a
feedback loop. The resulting transfer function can be calculated using the
CD Feedback function. This functions works
for continuous-time models and for discrete-time models.
Example 4.2.1: Feedback connection of continuous-time transfer function
The VI shown below shows how to get the resulting transfer function of two
continuous-time transfer functions connected in a feedback loop.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
Note: For continuous-time models, the CD Feedback function ignores
a time delay included in any of the transfer functions in the feedback loop, that
is, the resulting transfer function is derived assuming the time delays are
zero. To actually include the time delay(s), use the
CD Construct Special Model function with the option
Delay (Pade Approx.) selected to create a
rational transfer function representing (and approximating) the time delay. Then
include this transfer function in the feedback loop using e.g. the
CD Series function. This is demonstrated in
Example 9.1.
The following example shows how to connect discrete-time transfer
functions including time delays in a feedback loop. It is necessary to
convert the time delay part of a discrete-time model to poles at the origin
using the CD Convert Delay to Poles at Origin
function for the CD Feedback function to
produce the correct transfer function of the combined feedback loop. This also
applies to discrete-time transfer functions which have been derived by
discretizing an original continuous-time transfer function, that is, you have to
use the CD Convert Delay to Poles at Origin
function for the CD Feedback function to
produce the correct result.
Example 4.2.2: Feedback connection of discrete-time transfer function
models including time delay
In the VI shown below two discrete-time transfer functions are connected in a
feedback loop. One of the transfer functions, H2(z), contains a time
delay of 2 samples, corresponding to 2 poles at the origin of the z-plane.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
5 Calculating transfer
functions from state-space models
The CD Convert to Transfer Function Model
function converts continuous-time and discrete-time state-space models to
transfer function models. The resulting transfer function model is actually a
MIMO (multiple input multiple output) transfer function, i.e. a transfer
function matrix. To get a particular SISO (single input single output) transfer
function from this MIMO transfer function you must apply the
CD Get Data from Model function. This is
illustrated in the following example. This example is about a continuous-time
model, but the same functions are used for discrete-time models.
Example 5.1: Calculating transfer function from
state-space model
The VI shown below shows how to get the SISO transfer function from input u
to output y from the state-space model
dx/dt = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du
where the system matrices are as shown on the VI front panel below.
Front panel and block diagram of
Note that the indexing of the rows and the columns start with
indices 0, i.e. the first row has index 0, and the first column has index 0.
End of Example
6 Discretizing continuous-time models
The following example illustrates how to discretize a continuous-time
transfer function using the CD Convert Continuous to
Discrete function. The same function can be used to discretize
state-space models. Converting a model the opposite way - from discrete-time to
continuous-time - is done in a similar way using the
CD Convert Discrete to Continuous function.
Example 6.1: Discretizing a continuous-time transfer
The VI shown below shows how to do the discretization using the ZOH method
(zero order hold) with sampling time 0.2s. The original transfer function
contains a time delay of 1 second. This time delay is represented in the
discrete-time transfer function by the factor z-5 (since 5*0.2s =
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
7 An application: Analysis and simulation of control system
Example 7.1: Control system analysis and simulation
The VI shown below shows how to analyze and simulate a feedback control
system. The block diagram code is put inside a while loop with cycle time 100ms
to make the program run continuously. The controller is a
PID Academic controller (which has parallel form) with
the following transfer function, Hc(s):
A Pade approximation is used to represent the time delay of the process
because the CD Feedback function works correctly only if there are only rational
transfer functions in the feedback loop.
Front panel and block diagram of
End of Example
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